Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Spiritual Warfare



Society presents an image that all parents are good parents and that all parents love and want the best for their children. Sadly this is not the case. This is not the experience of those with narcissistic families.

“Well, parents such as this don’t love their children because they don’t truly love God either. These parents have broken the first commandment, and, to their children, that makes them enemies, not parents. And we don’t honor enemies.  We pray for them.(Matthew 5:44) This, therefore, shows that the assumption made in the commandment about honoring parents is that fathers and mothers love God, are living holy lives, and care for their children, and want their good. So what happens when parents don’t really want the good of their children? What happens when parents constantly criticize their children, abuse them, and essentially stifle any good that the children could achieve? “- Dr. Raymond Richmond

Ungodly Soul Ties & Generational Curses in Families

Some parents want to be worshipped and to control their children. They make their children indebted to them for life. This is an ungodly soul tie. God tells us to honor our fathers and mothers so that we learn from their wisdom. Parents are supposed to be a representation of God’s unconditional love. Enabling and keeping ties with demonically influenced people is not honoring them. It is enabling them.

Toxic parents & families use the command to honor them as a cover to perpetrate evil and abuse.

Parents are not gods. They should not be worshipped. Narcissistic families are ruled by the Jezebel spirit, seeking to control, dominate, and usurp God’s authority and plans.

How do you honor your parents – by following God and His plan for our lives, it is not permissible for them to do evil and for families to sit quietly and be ok with abuse”

We are generational curse breakers.

We honor our parents by discontinuing their toxic cycles and by going no contact with the people who continue in the toxicity & evil doing. Gossipping, pathologically lying, scapegoating, pride & evil-doers are all things that God abhors.

We forgive them and pray for them from a distance if need be. And as I always say if you are not there yet, seek God. You do not want unforgiveness to keep you yoked to and in bondage unnecessarily.

Is it not dishonoring your parents or family for telling the truth about abuse.

Narcissistic families sweep evil and abuse under the rug, and they disassociate the person who speaks up. It is often a cult or mafia-type loyalty. Phrases like, “what happens in the family stay in the family.” “Family over everything.” However, you cannot speak up – even with other family members.

What are the signs of an abusive and narcissistic family?

They want to control you.

They tried to control you through guilt & codependency to make you dependent on them even through adulthood.

They had a “favorite”, “golden” child, or scapegoat,& invisible child. These roles were interchangeable at any time.

They guilt you for simply being born. You owe them your life because they were there for you as if you asked to be here. You are taught to always put everyone first above yourself.

They have a high sense of entitlement & groom you to take care of them as they grow older. (Understand that This is your choice – not your duty, led by the Holy Spirit. – especially if you have a narcissistic family)

They present a picture-perfect family image to outsiders. Image is everything.

Family is highly secretive and loyalty is expected. If you disagree or do something that displeases you are met with silent treatment until you get back in line.

Watch the video for the remainder of the signs.

Love, friendships, families, work environments, etc., are not about how much abuse you can take.

How do you know when it’s time to walk away?

When you are not respected.

After you laid boundaries & articulated them and they are still not adhered to.

When you are disrespected, lied on, lied to, manipulated, betrayed with no sincere apology, remorse & no real conversation or changed actions.

Your issues are invalidated, mocked, & belittled.

You are gaslit & made to seem like you are “too much”, “crazy”, or a drama king/queen for not enabling abuse.

✓ Learn when to throw up your deuces.  Keep your crown held high.

Family is not a license to abuse.

Bible scriptures:

Depart from me, you evildoers, For I will keep the commandments of my God! Psalm 119:115

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11

And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4


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Mommy Dearest:

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