Demonic Spirits
Narcissism & The Church: A Candid Conversation with Redeemed Christian Lifestyle
Check out this conversation on Narcissism & The Church! @Redeemed Christian Lifestyle & I had a Holy Spirit lead, open, honest conversation on abuse, how it affects survivors, and feasible solutions.
Redeemed Christian Lifestyle YouTube Channel. Video will be available to view Friday, February 25th at 10 am CST!
10 Types Of People Who Don’t Undergo Deliverance!
He [Leviathan] beholds every high thing; he is king over all the children of pride.
Job 41:34
Narcissists do not (typically) repent and renounce their sins because of a seared conscience and lack of remorse. What can we learn from this? What other spirits keep others from deliverance? Watch this video & examine yourself to ensure that you are not operating in unrepentance, shame, and pride!
Let’s break those chains!