Coaching Updates for 2023!
NFL’s coaching & ministry services are done excellence & in order. At this time until further notice, coaching is limited to those currently enrolled in the Chain Breaker University (CBU) Mentorship Program. This is so that we can continue to protect the oil as we help others break chains! Prepare the oil. Protect the oil. Preserve the oil.
As of January 2023, coaching and personal responses are limited to those currently enrolled in Breaker University. We want to ensure that mentees that are in CBU have the attention and focus they deserve. We want to continue providing a first-rate experience as we break these chains!
1:1 coaching appointments will be announced as they become available. If you are a past client and you are not currently enrolled in CBU, please email & we will try our best to schedule you.
Accessibility is purposeful, focused, & limited to current mentees. Narc Free Living is not resourced to provide legal, rescue, shelter, & emergency services.
If it is YAH’s will, then it is HIS bill. Whatsoever Jehovah Jireh creates, sanctions, & ordains HE provides protection, purpose, and provision for.
Here’s how to connect:
- CBU Mentorship Coaching (commences January 12, 2023). We have 30 & 90-day plans available. The sessions are held bi-monthly, Thursdays at 6:30 pm CST. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/
- Add NFL to your address book & stay in the loop with our newsletters Link to stay in the loop: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_0BxSjzRD4ebPC3FqwBjyYDibKDtfCGGMNgYtQvkmQgHGhQ/viewform
- WISIO– Need support? Have a question? I cannot answer every email, however, I do answer every Wisio. This is a low option to receive coaching and feedback. I cannot answer personal emails unless you are enrolled in CBU. Please use Wisio for personal email & text message responses. You will receive a personal, individual video or detailed response from Shannon regarding your question(s). Visit: https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoyLLC
- The Narc Free Living YouTube Channel: You can find daily inspiration here in the Narc Free Living YouTube community tab. There are over 1,000 videos on an array of topics. Check the playlists for a variety of subjects regarding narcissist abuse, healing, spiritual warfare, parental alienation, adult children of narcissists, Spiritual ICU, rumination, and much, much more! https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC/community
- YouTube live streams – these are 2-4 hour FREE teachings, deliverance, and exhortations that allow survivors to connect, ask questions, and engage in the live chat. Shannon is LIVE Saturdays, typically at 1 pm CST. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the channel and turn your notifications ON so you are notified of uploads and live streams. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC
- Narc Free Living Membership on YouTube: I upload videos specifically for channel members and respond to their comments or questions. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnS35mcR_5MMVTXncRbAbg/join
- Want to connect? Here’s Shannon’s Business Card https://hihello.me/p/42bb2cd6-3127-466b-87c9-b0abd49a2379
- Follow @narcfreelivingllc on all social media platforms! Videos and content are uploaded on YouTube and TikTok FIRST!
Make sure you check our newsletter, YouTube community tab, & website for updates! Don’t forget to Narc Free Living to your address book and check your spam folder!
W E B S I T E: www.narcfreeliving.com
Y O U T U B E: https://youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC
T I K T O K: https://www.tiktok.com/@narc_free_living?lang=en
T W I T T E R: Narc Free Living @narc_free https://twitter.com/free_narc
F A C E B O O K: @narcfreelivingllc https://www.facebook.com/narcfreelivingllc/
I N S T A G R A M: @narcfreelivingllc https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/
L I N K E D I N: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-savoy-cssbb/
F O L L O W . S H A N N O N O N . C L U B H O U S E: https://www.clubhouse.com/@narcfreeliving