Divination & The Python Spirit
The Python spirit is a strong man spirit that affects many in the Body of Christ and throughout this world, unnecessarily so.
Freedom in Christ
Are you free from the spirit of Python and divination?
Do you know the characteristics of the Python spirit?
Watch this video to understand how to discern this spirit and how to overcome through Jesus Christ!
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COACH Natisha
Everyday as we walk by faith, we must walk with the full amour of God upon us from the crown to the soul of our feet.
Narc Free Living is a good place to seek help and guidance if you need it Amen.
Never be afraid to seek help if you have no where or no one to turn too.
NarcFree Living is a Faith Base Righteous foundation, Remember to never look back, once your free. You’re born to win, so stand tall and strong!!!! Break those chains Amen.
Amen! Thank you so much Natisha! Our goal is to help others discern the root and examine the fruit in their lives so they can be free. So we all can walk in our God-given authority in Jesus’ name. Thank you for supporting Narc Free Living! God bless you. Let’s break those chains!
R Stanley
Grateful for your work Shannon. It goes straight to the heart as our small family business was all but destroyed by everything addressed in your posts. Sometimes when I read and listen I wonder “how did she know?!”
Your message is authentic and vitally needed. The scripture based solutions offered are useful and real when it comes to standing up to the evil sociopathic destructive behaviors of a narcissist.
More than not narcissists are cloaked in their concocted twisted perception of “goodness” which they use generously as seductive tools to create a false aura of caring. In our case the “I’m a longtime Christian brother” scheme was successfully used. Masterful manipulation is their game. Total destruction is their victory.
May God bless you richly as you courageously press on.
Amen! All glory to God. Thank you for your valuable and very insightful feedback.
I am sorry to hear that these spirits destroyed your family business. It is sad when others allow unclean forces and demonic influence to overtake them. It is definitely not God’s will for our lives.
You described the narcissist and their true covert, evil nature. That “goodness” cloaked in a facade is what keeps their victims hanging onto false hope, unaware of their dubious schemes. It is mindblowing to come to the conclusion that it is all indeed a lie, a facade – especially when you have good intentions at heart for all involved. They have anything but.
The good news is that we have the power to overcome evil with good by the Blood of Jesus.
We must stand strong even in face of the enemy’s schemes. May God continue to bless you and your family!