Narcissist Abuse,  Spiritual Warfare

Do Not Stress About The Smear Campaign


Some people believe the narcissist’s pathological lies about you. The smear campaign, the lies about you being “crazy” – when in reality it is the narcissist who is insane due to the many demonic spirits dwelling on the inside of them. Jezebel & her henchmen spirits are actually running the show. The person who believes the narcissist does not understand the spirits behind the seemingly “nice” person that has everyone fooled. They cannot discern the spirits controlling the person.

What seemed like rejection was God’s protection against what is coming. Soon God will expose the lies told against you. He will make your enemies your footstool – make no mistake about it.

Listed below are examples of enablers and flying monkeys:

*They do not call or reach out to you when you are isolated by the narcissist.

*They reach out in defense of the narcissist.

*They reach out saying, “Oh just forgive & let it go”. LET THEM GO.

*They cozy up to the narcissist & fail to discern the spirit.

*They listen & entertain the lies told in the smear campaign.

*They do not show support.

Ahhh….but that’s not your problem anymore because no matter who believed you, regardless of who stood with you, or who did not – it is all by design. The fallout ALWAYS happens with a narcissist and you will lose people that you love. Pray from a distance.

Sometimes, we too can be misled by Jezebel, Ahab, or any other demonic spirits. When this happens make things right and apologize for your ignorance in the matter. Forgive yourself. The narcissist has a lifetime of perfecting their craft. The strongman spirits dwelling in them are strong, manipulative, & covert. Anyone can be fooled without the Holy Spirit. Do not allow the enemy to destroy a relationship that can be salvaged with communication, forgiveness, and accountability.

I repaired relationships where I was under Jezebel’s influence. At the time, I believed the enemy’s lies. When I began to discern the spirit and look at the patterns – not the words – God revealed the truth of who the person really was and what spirit they were operating under. I reached out and apologized to the other person to make things right. God will prepare hearts if the relationship is meant to be repaired. Likewise, if someone wants to believe the enemy’s lies and stay in the dark about who someone is  – shake the dust off your feet and keep it moving. Jezebel reveals herself self sooner or later.

The good thing is now you discern through the power of the Holy Spirit who is who & where people stand. Sit back in peace, be obedient to His Word, and watch God work.

“The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.” Psalms‬ ‭110:1-2‬ ‭

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