Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Narcissistic Family

Narcissistic Relatives VS. Family: Do You Know The Difference?

Many people make the mistake of believing relatives are their family. In narcissistic “families” there is a lot of secrecy, enabling, and covering up one another’s lies. The family is actually in enmeshment but it is packaged as “closeness.”

In enmeshed & narcissistic families, the boundary lines are blurred and there is a lack of healthy emotions between its members. They are bonded by trauma and ungodly soul ties.

To break free from an enmeshed family, you must first recognize and acknowledge the signs and trauma. The next step is to break the soul tie in the spirit.

God will remove relatives & fake “friends” so they cannot take credit for what He is doing in your life.

Your tribe & your true family understand your journey. Always remember, family is who you make it.

Don’t worry, God WILL send you your tribe.

Shine on, Chainbreakers! Let’s keep grinding & keep shining!

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Watch this video to learn the difference between the narcissistic relatives versus your true God-sent family!

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