Narcissists: The Devil In Disguise
Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NASB)
1 Peter 5:8 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
In this video, we discuss the movie Split and how the characters relate to narcissists. In addition, I break down the following:
* What are the characteristics of Yahweh?
* What are the characteristics of Satan?
* What does God’s Word say?
* What are the characteristics of narcissists?
* How do we discern? Let’s get into it, Chain Breakers!
Narcissists are Satan’s low & high-level gatekeepers. They are workers of iniquity. Narcissists have been recruited by Satan and unfortunately, they accept their assignment.
It is a mutually beneficial relationship – but one that works out very poorly in the end for the narcissist. Narcissists are like zombies on the inside but they have shapeshifting capabilities.
There are so many demons in them, however, one is dominant. One is a strongman spirit that controls the rest. They change their personality or demon, depending on who they are around and what they need to accomplish at the moment.
They benefit from the demon because the demons empower them. They love the control. They are in agreement with the demons.
The narcissist’s true self is long gone. They have essentially killed their true self off. They view their true self as: Wounded. Vulnerable. Weak. Traumatized. And this is how they view you.
The false self is empowered by the personalities created or demons. The false self is the egotistical, unempathetic, selfish, but seemingly caring on the outside.
I have always wondered how they compartmentalized so well. They have extraordinary recall abilities. They remember things in the heat of a disagreement that in ways that normal ppl do not recollect. This is with the help of their demons.
A narcissist is truly Satan personified in human flesh. If you dance with the devil it doesn’t change the devil, it changes YOU.
Gladly, the Holy Spirit empowers us to be able to break the chains of Satan’s and his demonic forces!