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    Bad Seed? When Your Child Is A Narcissist!

    We’ve explored various aspects of narcissistic abuse. We’ve discussed narcissistic parents, adult children of narcissists, narcissistic frenemies, etc. Now I’m discussing the signs of the Jezebel spirit in children. Of course, I do not diagnose…but I do discern.

    This is a sensitive topic that is approached in love. This is not a message to condemn but to take accountability, face what most try to sweep under the rug, and remove the shame so we can break the chains.

    Join me live on YouTube on Saturday, April 23rd at 1pm CST!

    Let’s examine:

    -What are the signs of Jezebel spirit in children?

    -How do parents heal and recover?

    -Why is it necessary to get to the root?

    -Are narcissists born or made?

    -Is no contact necessary?

    -Parental alienation | coparenting

    -Are some children born wicked?

    -Spiritual implications of having children with narcissists

    -Free will


    -Biblical & practical strategies


  • Abuse In The Church,  Demonic Spirits,  Spiritual Deliverance,  YouTube

    The Dangers Of Narcissistic Marriages: Destiny Unfulfilled & Unholy Matrimony!

    What are the dangers of narcissistic marriages?

    Let’s break down demonic covenants, abuse, and unholy matrimony. This is a topic that most won’t touch with a 10-foot pole, but I’m breaking this down by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus came to set captives free – not keep you in unholy matrimony & bondage. John 8:36

    Join me live on YouTube, Saturday, April 16th at 1pm CST!

    -False counterfeit marriages 

    -The narcissist’s goals

    -How the Bible & the 4wall church is misused to keep people in bondage

    -Signs of Unholy Matrimony

    -Demonic covenants vs God’s kingdom

    -Blessings and curses – trying to bless what is inherently cursed.

    -Fruit check (the laws of sowing and reaping)

    -God’s Word

    -Breakdown & exegesis of scripture (why did Jesus & Paul tell ppl this)

    -Shalach & putting away

    -Practical strategies

    The first mention of Divorce in the bible is found in Deuteronomy 24:1, 2 “ When a man has taken a wife, and married her, and it comes to pass that she finds no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.  And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man’s wife.”

    Patrick Weaver – “Abuse cancels the marriage covenant. There is no abuse — physical, emotional or mental, that agrees with God’s design and plan for marriage. An abuser is unfaithful, rebellious, and commits spiritual adultery…” Spiritual adultery is unfaithfulness to God. It is having an undue fondness for the things of the world. Spiritual adultery is analogous to the unfaithfulness of one’s spouse: “

    ‘But like a spouse faithless to her lover, even so have you been faithless to me, O house of Israel,’ says the LORD” (Jeremiah 3:20; see also Isaiah 1:21; 57:8; Ezekiel 16:30).”

  • Podcasts,  Shows,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  YouTube

    Flawed & Free Podcast | 5 Signs Of A Narcissist: How To Find Freedom From These Relationships!

    5 Signs Of A Narcissist: Deliverance Vs. Diagnosis – How To Find Freedom From These Relationships!

    “Have you ever been in a narcissistic relationship? Have you experienced narcissistic abuse? Or wondered if you have narcissistic traits in your own personal life? We partner with Shannon Savoy from NarcFree Living LLC in this power-packed episode as she identifies and explains 5 signs of a narcissist, and how to free yourself from these unhealthy relationships in your life. 

    Narc Free Living® discusses narcissism from a biblical perspective. We identify red flags and help formulate strategic tactics to recognize, heal, and overcome abusive relationships by the Word of God. Narcissists are the physical embodiment of Satan and his demonic principalities in human form. We have the power to overcome by the Blood of Jesus – but most do not understand its power & how to win in warfare. 

    LaTyna Jalieba, aka Tyna (Tee-na), is a warrior princess. She also shows how you can be free from the chains of past mistakes, so that you TOO can say, “Free to be ME… Flawed & Free”

    Tyna is a power-packed prayer princess, spiritual warfare strategist, and faith-based entrepreneur with an apostolic mandate. She is passionate about helping others become who God has called them to be through deliverance and freedom from demonic bondage. She is a spiritual midwife, prayer warrior, and gifted by the Holy Spirit with a prophetic anointing in prayer and sharing the word of God.

    You can find Tyna and the Flawed & Free community on social media, LIVE events, Podcast hosting, and more. Tyna is currently working on her first book, in which she pours out all her knowledge and techniques that she’s learned through her amazing career and life experiences. She is also working on an exclusive 30-day devotional prayer guide/book, along with other products – all centered on helping her clients achieve their true potential by defeating the demons they carry within themselves.”

    Source: Flawed & Free


    Watch the interview below on YouTube or you can listen to the podcast on all streaming platforms all digital platforms Apple, Google Play Spotify Amazon Music, Pandora, and MORE.


  • Dating,  Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Soul Ties,  YouTube

    Dating After Narcissist Abuse: Are You Dating Or Trauma Bonding?

    It’s common for survivors to want companionship after abuse. It’s important to take the necessary time & space to heal. I highly recommend doing your inner work BEFORE easing back into the dating scene or courting again.

    Earlier this year, I held a workshop on dating after abuse. We explored tips, soul healing, severing soul ties, common dating pitfalls, apps to help keep you safe, and dating GOD & yourself before dating anyone else. I recently revisited this topic in a short video along with godly counsel and practical tips. Check it out below.


    *Put God first over anything and everyone.


    *Don’t let your trauma be the reason you are bonding.

    *This world is chock full of narcissists.

    *Sociopaths & psychopaths can smell vulnerability miles away.

    *Unhealed empaths are like bait in a cesspool of narcissistic sharks.

    *Being with & around narcissists opens you up to increased levels of spiritual, emotional, & psychological warfare that you are not equipped to handle at this time.

    *You may not have solid boundaries in place, or feel comfortable setting & ENFORCING them just yet.

    *You likely still have soul ties & trauma bonds with the narcissist (unless you have been through deliverance, therapy, coaching, or & counseling).

    *It is imperative to learn to trust God and yourself again. Listen to yourself!

    *When in doubt, get out. Pause. Think. Give yourself time and space.

    Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

  • Clubhouse

    Is It Easy To Recognize A Narcissist? 🤔

    Can you recognize or discern a narcissist? Will learning about narcissists keep you from being impacted by narcissists? What are the signs? What does the Bible tell us? Let’s get into it…


    Join Us on Clubhouse!


  • Jezebel Spirit,  Narc Land,  Narcissist Abuse,  Uncategorized

    Have You Been To Narc Land?

    Have you been to Narc Land?

    Narc Land is the land of make-believe. Narcs can rewrite events as they deem fit. It’s the place you go into full of life & promise but emerge sexually, physically, financially, spiritually, & psychologically wounded – a shell of your once vibrant self.

    • Your empathy, compassion, and human emotions are seen as vulnerabilities and weaknesses to be used as exploitation and humiliation.
    • Promises are made, future faking is done & where dreams go to die.
    • You believe you have found your soulmate but you find a hellacious nightmare.
    • You are criticized, belittled, bewildered, dazed, confused, depressed, down, abused, & isolated.
    • The clown’s perception, narrative, opinions, feelings, etc., are the only ones that matter.
    • You are simply here to serve supply, make the clowns happy, and provide your resources. Period.
    • You will be cheated on & gaslighted. Everything will be your own fault.
    • The clown’s inner shame is projected onto you, and you are accused of doing all the things that the clown does.
    • Your finances will be destroyed, your livelihood stripped away, your body objectified, your heart shattered into a thousand little pieces and when you are almost defeated, the owner will come back and obliterate the last piece of you.
    • As a final parting gift for participating your friends and even your own family will turn against you and support the narc, leaving you desolate & isolated.
    • Your name is smeared, your character assassinated, and your reputation annihilated.

    You can make it out of the house of horrors. The best way to win is never to enter. Heal past hurts. Acknowledge & deal with trauma & wounds. If you’re in Narc Land, look for the closest exit and RUN! The house always wins. 🎲Get out. 👉🏾🚪

    If you have made a trip (or two) to Narc Land, please rate your experience or leave a review for other potential thrill seekers! ​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ On a scale of -0 to 10, what would you recommend?​​​​​​​​ Leave a ⭐️ if you love it & a 🤡 or 🎪 if you didn’t. ​​​​​​​​ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ​​​​​​​​ 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ Check out this post, share it with someone who needs it or save it for later. ​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Remember, don’t try to put a crown on a killer clown! ❌​​​​​​​​

    Jesus makes a way out of Narc Land! He came to set the captives free! John 8:36

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    We love hearing from Chain Breakers! 

    We love hearing from and receiving snail mail from our Chain Breakers!

    Here is our Contact Information!

    Phone: (281) 698-7790

    Email Address: Support@narcfreeliving.com

    Mailing Address: Narc Free Living 9550 Spring Green Blvd Ste 408-229 Katy, TX 77494


  • Jezebel Spirit,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  YouTube

    The Danger Of Silence: The Narcissist Wants Your Voice!

    What is part of the narcissist’s assignment?

    To steal, kill, & destroy – and to steal your voice. Narcissists attempt to silence you through guilt, shame, condemnation, and embarrassment in anyway they can.

    Join me LIVE on YouTube Saturday, April 9 at 1pm CST!

    Let’s examine:

    • How narcissists steal your voice
    • Spirits of theft & fear -Why your voice is stolen
    • God’s Word
    • Practical strategies
    • The dangers of silence
    • Silence is compliance | The code of silence in systems
    • How to recover what was stolen from you!

    “If you persist in staying silent at a time like this, help and deliverance will arrive for the Jews from someplace else; but you and your family will be wiped out. Who knows? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14, MSG).

    Feeling stuck? Ready to break the chains of narcissist abuse? Are you experiencing demonic attacks? Schedule a call today! Go here to learn more: https://narcfreeliving.com/services/

    Narc Free Living® https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLiv…

    Become a YouTube Chain Breaker VIP! Join the Narc Free Living YouTube channel to get access to perks and member-only content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnS…

    View the latest newsletter to make sure you are in the Chain Breaker loop! https://view.flodesk.com/emails/624a4ded046db65a1e994c26


  • Articles,  Narcissist Abuse,  Spiritual Warfare

    I Was Catfished! Narc Tale Time!

    So hello Chain Breakers! It’s narc tale time.

    Let me tell you about the time that I was catfished by someone pretending to be a survivor of abuse! I want to share this account with you so you are aware that there are some pretty sick people out here in these narc streets. They are double agents, scamming, conning, and trying to fool people that are genuinely trying to help survivors. People like this are typically filled with spirits of rejection, abandonment, Leviathan, Python, & Jezebel. They lie with ease and have absolutely no remorse for the people they impact.

    Gladly this conniving catfish received nothing but time and was outed by authorities in the end. Unfortunately, some people lose so much more. Our hearts go out to those who do. May Jehovah Jireh return everything you lost from a spiritual & psychological thief. In this video I discuss:

    • What is catfishing?
    • What does God’s word say about liars, schemers, and manipulators?
    • What are familiar spirits?
    • Where is the best place for narcissists to hide?
    • What is a catfish’s end game?
    • What lessons were learned?

    I always ask God to reveal the snakes around me…sometimes they appear as angels of light when they are nothing more than dusty, decepticon demons in disguise.

    “Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.” Psalm 34:13

    “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” Romans 16:17-18

    People like this will continue to try to infiltrate. I pray that God binds up the evil, demonic plots, plans, & ploys of every enemy that is a foe, pretending to be a smooth-talking friend.

    Let’s get into it!


  • Clubhouse,  Narcissist Abuse

    What You Wish People Knew About Narcissist Abuse 🤔

    What do you wish people knew about narcissist abuse? What would you tell someone who hasn’t gone through this? How do you explain the inexplicable? How do you make logic of the illogical? Let’s talk about the myths and the facts!

    Join the Narc Free Living and the Narcissist Abuse Healing Club on Clubhouse, Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 at 7:00 PM CST.


    Join here!