• Narcissist Abuse

    The Narcissist’s Dream Team

    Are you on the Narcissist’s Dream Team roster?

    Narcissists have what I dubbed the “Narcissist’s Dream Team.” Each person in the narcissist’s circle fulfills a distinct role

    Narcissists seek out those with talents, skills, and specialties that they can manipulate for their benefit. They build a well-calculated team of enablers and supporters.

    Romans 16:17-18 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people.

    The General Managers (GMs) – Narcissistic parents are the GMs of the Narcissist’s Dream Team (NDT). The narcissist was groomed to be a narcissist by the GM(s). They formed the narcissist in their image through entitlement or emotional abuse/neglect.

    The Most Valuable Player  The MVP is the Main Supply of the narcissist. The MVP is the primary enabler or oblivious spouse, partner, friend, family, etc. that provides the resources & upholds the perfect image to the world. This is usually a wounded & unhealed empath who was also groomed by a narcissistic parent(s), unbeknownst and unaware to them.

    ● The Team – The Flying Monkeys do the narcissist’s dirty work. They write emails, sent evil text messages, and run the smear campaign. They uphold the narcissists regardless of what the narcissist does. They support the narcissist and do not hold them accountable for the harm they do to their victims. They do not discern the demonic spirits operating in the narcissists.

    The Bench – The Bench contains the Backup Sources of Supply (side pieces, unsuspecting enablers, family members, friends, etc.). They make excuses for the narcissist and may be unaware to the evil they are supporting. However, most Bench members will continue to look the other way.

    They make statements like, “There are two sides to every story.” (While never attempting to reach out for your side of the story and even if they do, they still believe the lies of the narcissist. The Bench contains Fanboys and Fangirls who cheer on the narcissist from the sidelines.

    ● The Injured Reserve | Inactive List – Consists of the exes, Forever Supply, The “Ones” That Got Away, the people who the narcissist can charm and easily manipulate without much work. Those on the Inactive List are just waiting for a shot to join the team or take the MVP’s spot on the NDT.

    Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

    It’s time to come off the bench Chain Breakers! Let’s break those chains.