- Anointing oil, Jezebel Spirit, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
October | Tishrei Prayers and Declarations!
Evil cannot stand when we come together in the power of the Ruach! If Holy Spirit leads you, join me in prayer, fasting, and consecration. Friday, September 30, 6am-6pm.
Prophetic Declarations for the month ahead:~I advance the Kingdom of Heaven as we enter this new year!~I declare this is a month of POWERFUL PRAISE~I declare there will be a REVIVAL of the REMNANT~Evil wants to declare this a month of wickedness~We take the month back & declare it IS ELOHIM’S!~Prayers against Hallow’s Eve, spiritual wickedness, sex & human trafficking, child abductions, kidnapping, parental alienation, monitoring spirits~Prayers for REDEMPTION against false judgments, lies, slander, and accusations~Prayers to release the Arm of Elohim against evilFor where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nation, in the midst of many peoples, Like a lion among beasts of the forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep; When it passes through it tramples; it tears and no one can rescue. Your hand shall be lifted above your foes, and all your enemies shall be cut down. On that day—oracle of the LORD— I will destroy the horses from your midst and ruin your chariots; I will destroy the cities of your land and tear down all your fortresses. I will destroy the sorcery you practice, and there shall no longer be soothsayers among you. I will destroy your CARVED FIGURES and the SACRED STONES from your midst; And you shall no longer worship the works of your hands. I will tear out the ASHERAHS from your midst, and destroy your cities. I will wreak vengeance in anger and wrath upon the nations that have not listened. Micah 5:7-14Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Revelation 14:7If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14Set your reminder for the upcoming live stream & communion Saturday, Oct 1 at 1pm CST! Narcissists Are Everywhere: Witches In The 4-Wall Church -
You will know if you are under generational curses by examining your life, patterns, cycles, & bloodline. Narcissists, narcissistic relationships, & narcissistic parents bring curses into your life.
The gospel is literally the good news. The Blood is what redeems us from the law and the curses. What affects you & your children does not have to continue to affect you. Yahshua is a curse breaker!
A few signs of curses:
*Married to or in a relationship with a narcissist (spirit of Jezebel)
*Narcissistic parents
*Orphan or vagabond spirit
*Spirit of heaviness, depression, excessive mourning
*Sickness, unexplained illnesses, hereditary diseases
*Untimely & premature death
*Barrenness | unable to conceive
*Divorce & no marriage repeatedly in the bloodline
*Poverty | lack | debt
*Spirit spouses | untimely death of a spouse (Like a black widow)
*Lack of completion
Not everything is a curse. Holy Spirit will show you what is & what isn’t.
All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown wealthy from the extravagance of her luxury. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues. For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities”...Revelation 18:3
Prayers to repent, break & renounce below ⬇️
Prayer Point for those in agreement: Heavenly Father, we enter your courts with praise and worship for you are truly worthy. I wholeheartedly repent of all of my sins, made by commission and omission and I seek refuge in you. I fully surrender my will and come in alignment with your will for my life. I accept Jesus Christ, Yahshua as my personal Savior. I believe that He died and rose again on the third day and by HIS stripes we are healed. I renounce all ungodly soul ties, tear down every evil altar, and close every door opened through my sin, generational curses, and my bloodline.
I am called to be a bloodline breaker! I am called to be a Chain Breaker in Christ. I arise and take my place in the Kingdom of Heaven as a joint heir to the throne. I release unforgiveness, bind up monitoring spirits, witchcraft, divination, tarot, horoscopes, psychic warfare, false prophets, false prophesy, candle burning invoking familiar spirits, spirit spouses, incantations, voodoo, hoodoo, juju, obeah, crystals, chakras, using sage for protection, and every demonic curse sent my way or my children’s way. I return demons to the sender sevenfold and cancel their evil assignments. I loosen your hedge of protection and ask for your warrior angels to go before us every day. I cut every evil lay line and burn their ungodly silver cords in the name of JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA HAMASHIACH. It is so. Shalom
Chain Breaker News! August 29, 2022
Check out the latest Chain Breaker News!
In this week’s newsletter:
- Chain Breaker Corner
- Safety From Narcissist Abuse Workshop
- CBU Q&A Session
- Upcoming Livestreams
- Powerful Prayer Point & Declarations
We had the chance to catch up with Chain Breaker University graduate, Kenda! Kenda is a woman on the move. She is breaking chains, healing, and shaking up the real estate game!
Here’s a little about Kenda:
My name is Kenda Morris. I am a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner with more than 20 years of nursing experience. Recently, I launched Lady Nephrology, a YouTube channel where I discuss topics related to kidney disease. My dream is to open a dialysis clinic eventually. Click here for the full story and newsletter!
Connect with Kenda:
Alluring Heights LLC: https://www.
alluringheightsllc.net/ Lady Nephrology Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/
LadyNephrology Subscribe and support Kenda!
Want to stay in the loop? Click HERE! Stay in the Narc Free Living Chain Breaking LOOP! Receive weekly encouragement, prayer, upcoming events, survivor support groups, and recaps of social-media sessions are delivered right to your inbox!
Signs That Your Mother Has The Spirit of Jezebel
Have you seen the movie Mommy Dearest? Flowers in the Attic? Precious?
Having a narcissistic and toxic mother can be detrimental to a child, especially in the formative years. Society places mothers in such high regard, so we do not think of our own mothers as even remotely narcissistic. With a narcissistic mother, EVERYTHING revolves around her and her perfectly crafted facade. She is likely covert so most people believe the image that she has strategically built over the years.
Here are a few signs that your mother may be narcissistic or have toxic traits:
1. When you attempt to assert yourself as an adult, it results in anger, rejection, and hostility. Phrases such as, “I am your MOTHER!” are commonplace. She does not appreciate your attempts to individuate, as that means that you will be less available to serve her needs. Does she get angry when you disagree or don’t want to do what she wants you to do? Does she try to make you feel guilty for having separate interests, hobbies, desires, and opinions? Does she feel entitled to your earnings or feel that you are responsible for her financial needs?
2. Her love is conditional.
A mother who is narcissistic is interested in how you (and your achievements) reflect on her. She wants you to succeed, but only so that she looks good. She may even become jealous if she feels you are doing too well. Daughters of narcissistic mothers will often be perfectionistic in a misguided attempt to win their mother’s love.
3. She cannot or will not validate your feelings.
There is very little room in her emotional consciousness for your feelings. If they do something that upsets you, narcissists generally won’t be prepared to acknowledge their mistake or soothe your upset. They are too focused on trying to manage the shame elicited by your implied criticism. She may sometimes be there if you need support, but most often she will turn it around so that it becomes about her. There is little to no acknowledgment of things that she does wrong. Do not fall for the pity or crying as an apology.
For example:
“That reminds me of the time…” “You think you have problems, I remember when…” “I can’t listen to you when you’re like this, it upsets me…” “I do/have done everything for you, why can’t you appreciate it, you are so ungrateful…”
4. She belittles you.
A narcissistic mother will be full of praise in one moment, hypercritical, and judgmental the next. They can make your head spin! A narcissistic mother knows where it hurts. She will often use sarcasm or belittling language to humiliate you, perhaps in front of others. She may minimize your feelings with excuses such as “I’m just joking!”
5. She tries to manipulate you.
The manipulation can be quite subtle, causing you to question your doubts and fears. She may call you “selfish” because you don’t want to be her maid or chauffeur 24/7. Being afraid to say no to her because you fear her disapproval or anger is definitely not a good sign.
6. She thinks she is above the rules.
Narcissists prefer not to have to follow the rules that apply to us lesser mortals. The sense of entitlement that accompanies narcissism can manifest in expectations of special treatment. She might try to get out of a parking ticket through manipulation or flirtatious behavior, then she gets angry. She can embarrass you in line at your favorite coffee shop. If she is not allowed to jump the coffee queue or secure her favorite table at a popular restaurant, she may become disproportionately angry.
7. She is unpredictable.
Narcissists often wax and wane in terms of their attention and availability. She may shower you with affection and attention (love-bombing) when she wants something from you and ignore you when she is going OK. Her ability to care about you is dependent on her own needs rather than any genuine commitment to you as a separate and autonomous being.
8. It’s all about how things look.
Because they are largely dependent on social cues to manage their self-image, narcissists will be focussed on how things appear, and most importantly, how they appear to those whose opinion matters to them. Narcissistic mothers will generally like to appear socially successful, keeping a nice-looking home, wearing nice clothes, and keeping a full social or church circle. Your mother might spend a lot of time trying to impress the neighbors, her church, and others whom she considers worth her time.
9. She cannot see your point of view.
In general, narcissistic mothers will be unwilling to understand or even acknowledge your point of view. She may ignore, belittle, or undermine you, often using manipulation or guilt-tripping to get her way.
10. She is emotionally volatile.
Narcissists are often emotionally unstable, swinging between cold rage and collapsed fragility depending on environmental cues. Mothers with these characteristics have very low self-esteem underneath their bluster and will become teary or desperate if they meet ongoing resistance.
Did you know most children that have a narcissistic mother (or father) continue to have relationships with other narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths?
Here are additional signs:
❉ They tried to control you through codependency to make you dependent on them even through adulthood.
❉ They had a “favorite”, “golden” child, or scapegoat, or invisible child. These roles were interchangeable at any time.
❉ They guilt you for simply being born. You owe them your life because they were there for you as if you asked to be here. You are taught to always put everyone first or to get you to do things.
❉ They have a high sense of entitlement & groom you to take care of them as they grow older. (This is your choice, not your duty, especially if you have a narcissistic family)
❉ They liked to present a perfect family image to outsiders. The image of the family is everything.
❉ Family is highly secretive and loyalty is expected. If you disagree or do something displeases you were met with silent treatment until you got back in line.
❉ They only love you when you did what THEY wanted. Their feelings are what matters.
❉ They are vindictive & liked to “get even” with you.
❉ They don’t respect your boundaries or they taught you to have weak or no boundaries. This sets you up for narcissistic abuse in future relationships.
❉ They competed with you. (Think Mommy Dearest)
❉ They “owned” your accomplishments & live vicariously through you.
❉ They constantly lied to you about the key details of your life.
❉ They never listened to (or cared) about your feelings. If you brought something up that bothered you, they cried, got upset, made it uncomfortable, or changed the subject. Anything to evade accountability.
❉ They constantly insulted or criticized you.
❉ They exerted explicit control over you.
❉ They gaslighted you.
❉ They “parentified” you.
❉ They reacted intensely to any form of criticism.
❉ They projected their bad behavior onto you.
❉ They never displayed any real empathy. They were cold one minute and warm the next.
❉ They were always right and never wrong. Never truly apologized.
❉You were outcast if you spoke up against the family/cult-like system.
When you grew up in a narcissistic environment it can be hard to have any perspective. You second guess yourself or lack the self-confidence due to it being undermined as a child. Often children of narcissists adapt to the parenting they receive, losing contact with their authentic self. This results in codependency and feelings of inadequacy. They are so used to being exploited and dominated they don’t know how healthy relationships work.
Make no mistake, this is emotional, spiritual, and psychological abuse! If you have come to the conclusion that your mother is a narcissist, then the best option is to talk with someone that you trust or a licensed therapist that specializes in narcissistic abuse. Keep in mind that demonic spirits take over a person’s heart, mind, and soul. If you confront a narcissistic person, a smear campaign against you WILL ensue. This spirit must maintain control over everyone. If they feel as if they are losing control over you, they go into full attack mode. They do not view you as their child. You, like everyone else, are a resource.
Grey Rock is an alternative method if you are unable to have no contact. Whatever method you choose, come to terms with the fact the person you believe you know is not who she pretends to be. She is unable to be truthful with herself and therefore can not be honest about anything. She does not love herself in a healthy way and cannot give you the unconditional love that you deserve from a parent.
Staying in contact with a narcissistic parent is a choice. If you decide that you want to stay in contact with your mother, you will need to accept that you may never receive the acknowledgment you long for in your relationship with her. You will need to validate your own feelings and accept the grieving process that accompanies a realization of her profound limitations.
For daughters of narcissistic mothers, it can be a long road to recovery.
Because they have grown up under the tyrannical rule of a woman with severe character flaws, they often have a depleted sense of self. It can take a lot of work in therapy and spiritual warfare to break the chains. Both aid in gaining self-awareness and compassion that helps heal your neglected inner child.
Ask God to heal your heart. Pray that the scales be removed from your mother’s eyes and heart. Rebuke the spirits of Jezebel, Ahab, and Leviathan that have been operating in your life and your bloodline. Generational patterns are likely operating in your family. In Christ, we are no longer bound by our bloodline. While you may be predisposed to certain demonic influences, you can overcome! Repent from known and unknown sins. Sin opens God’s hedge of protection for you and your children for demonic spirits to attack and torment at will. Bind all demonic spirits and loose God’s will over your life. It is not God’s design that we live indebted, under the control of, or in bondage to anyone – not even your mother.
Break those chains!