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When Empaths Try To Save The Narcissist!

What happens when empaths try to save narcissists? Let’s examine the ride-or-die mentality and who the real Savior is!

I will not be live streaming on Saturday, July 30! But I will be live on YouTube Wednesday, July 27 at 5:15 pm CST. Set your reminder below!

Let’s examine:

*What happens when empaths have a God complex?

*Destiny Blockers

*The narcissist knows what you do not

*How narcissists rope you in

*The soul realm

*The Ride or die mentality will KILL YOU!

*Side effects of staying in a narcissistic relationship

*Narc life support

*Cognitive dissonance

*Why God allowed this to happen

*The real solution & Savior

*Destiny Helpers

Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. Matthew 7:6

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