Why Do I Speak Out Against Narcissist Abuse?
Why do I speak out against narcissist abuse? One, it’s what I’ve been anointed and appointed to do in this season. Two, because I never want anyone to feel what I felt. If my voice, posts, or coaching can save one person – my pain was not in vain.
Why do I use my voice? Because I know what it is to suffer in domestic, childhood sexual abuse, and narcissistic abuse silently. You never know what someone has been through.
Why is important that victims find their voices? Narcissist abuse affects over 158 million people, if not more. With these staggering statistics, the more people that discuss this insidious abuse that IS spiritual and psychological warfare – the better. Finding your voice as you heal helps you go from victim to survivor to THRIVER!
Are you ready to go from victim to thriver? It’s time to do work. Chain Breaker University is designed with Chain Breaking Queens in mind! Register HERE.
We overcome by the Blood & the sharing of our testimony. Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13
Jezebel’s goal is to silence the voices of YAHWEH’s true prophets. Have you found your voice? Let CBU help you recover it!
You can find daily inspiration here in the Narc Free Living YouTube community tab: https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC/community

Melanie Breazeale
I am SO glad you used your voice. I’m SO glad you turned your pain into purpose by being obedient to YHWY! Thank you Shannon 🫶🏼
Sitting here it just dawned on me, where would I be right now if you didn’t use your voice for what God appointed you to do? 🥹🥰
Thank you so much Mel! All praises to The Most High! If my voice helps just one person, my pain was not in vain. Appreciate you!