Narcissist Abuse
Clubhouse: How Narcissists Choose Their Targets Flying Monkeys, & Harem!
Let’s discuss how narcissists choose those they will use & ultimately try to destroy.
How do narcissists choose their targets, their flying flunkies, & their forever supply?
How do you discern a wolf?
Join the conversation Tuesday, March 22nd at 7pm CST on Clubhouse.
Also, check out this week’s Chain Breaker Newsletter!
Included are tips on:
*Spiritual Warfare
*Breaking The Narcissist’s Curses
*Rock Your Crown V (March 26th) Register today!
*Honestly Anonymous (documentary casting call)
*How Narcissists Choose Their Targets 🎯 (Clubhouse March 22nd)
Want to stay in the Chain Breaker loop? Click here!
Do you need additional help? Visit to book a session & for resources.
Escaping the Clutches of Abuse- Help Needed
Hello Chain Breakers, I am raising money for a sister to escape the clutches of narcissistic & domestic abuse. If you are able to sow a seed, there is no amount too big or too small. Be led by Holy Spirit in all things. Most of us here have been impacted by demonic narcissists and many do not have the resources to leave. Even if you are unable to donate, please say a prayer that God shows her HIS way of escape and places the right people in her path.
As you know an underground network of those willing to help is needed to escape abuse. Many abusers have set up a strategic network to keep their victims in bondage. The ecclesia should be able to support and sustain the ecclesia.
I pray for others that are in abusive homes that have become battlefields. I ask Jehovah to release the captives and a mass exodus out of the hands of the enemy, whether it be narcissistic families, parents, children, workplaces, spouses, interpersonal relationships, etc. I ask YHWH for provision and protection and petition the courts of Heaven for Heavenly resources, people that will help, and the angel of the Lord to come to see about your children. We praise you Lord & build an altar of sacrifice to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
I am pledging $250. Please visit this link if you would like to sow or simply click here->
Psalm 91
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
Thank you to those who have already donated & said prayers! If desired, we will send a tax donation receipt.
Clubhouse Conversation: What Do You Do When You Are Not Believed?
Join the Narcissist Abuse Healing Club, a faith-based community of survivors. There is no spiritual bypassing or narc sympathizers here. We support survivors.
Tuesday, March 8, 7 pm CST
This week we are discussing when & why we are not believed, what do you do?
*What do you do when you are not believed?
*Why do most people believe the narcissist?
*What happens when you are invalidated by the 4-wall church, family or friends?
*Why do most people believe the narcissist? *Who do narcissists surround themselves with?
*Why is community & being around fellow survivors so important?
*How do you overcome?
Let’s break this down…
Need more info? Visit ➡️
Who’s The Narcissist? A Chain Breaker VIP member video
Who’s the narcissist?
How do we discern who is who?
The narcissist is playing the victim.
The victim is trying to come to terms with what has happened to them.
The narcissist is trying to get your friends & circle to turn against you. The narcissist is claiming the target is bitter, wants them back, or is trying to tear the “family.”
The narcissist smearing your name to anyone who will listen.
The target is trying to figure out & discern who they can trust.
The narcissist does absolutely zero inner reflecting (they cannot). They change nothing but their victims & personality to assimilate.
The victim as they heal becomes more focused on inner healing & getting to the root.
The narcissist does not attend therapy unless it’s a last-ditch effort to lure the victim back in, recommended by their attorney, court-ordered by a judge, etc.
The target may attend therapy, counseling, coaching as they try to heal & overcome narcissist abuse. What else would you add?
Let’s break those chains. ⛓
🆘 Need additional help? Schedule a one-on-one session or ask your question on Wisio!
Are you a Chain Breaker YouTube VIP member? Join this channel to get access to perks
Narc Tales: Lessons Learned From The Tinder Swindler
Whether you’ve seen the documentary or not, if you’ve been impacted by a narcissist, you can relate on some level to this topic. What are the signs of a con artist? What are the red flags? What should you do when those red flags present themselves? We can’t wait to converse with the community about this documentary!
Join us here on Tuesday, March 1st, @ 7 PM CST!
Is My Mother A Narcissist? The Pitfalls & How To Overcome!
What are the signs of a narcissistic mother or mother-in-law? What does this mean for her children? What are the roles that narcissistic parents assign to their children? How do you honor her? Let’s get into it -Midday Chats on Clubhouse- Thursday, March 3, 2022, @ 1 pm CST!
Tune in here!
The Signs Of Narcissistic Jezebel Pimps In The Pulpit
What are the signs of a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Narcissistic Jezebel’s have infiltrated the 4-wall church. Do you know the signs of a pimp in the pulpit? How do you armor up? Listen in! Let’s get into it -Midday Chats on Clubhouse- Thursday, February 24, 2022, @ 1 pm CST!
Next week, tune in here!
The Parenting 411 with Carol Muleta! Podcast Interview On Narcissism
Narc Free Living teamed up with Parenting 411, Carol Muleta to discuss Narcissism; tips for parents and Children! Carol’s mission is to tune in not only to what’s on the minds of parents and caregivers today but to look ahead and bring valuable information they had no idea they needed. Parenting 411 does the research, find the experts, and test/validate/analyze all information received. Only then do they deliver it for thoughtful consideration to their followers!
We were grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such a brilliant mind and compassionate soul!
Shannon Savoy knows a thing or two about narcissism. She is a narcissist abuse survivor and has dedicated her life’s work to helping others overcome this trauma as well. As the founder of Narc Free Living, she helps people break the chains of narcissist abuse. We examine the impact exposure to narcissism in childhood can have on relationships later in life. Shannon offers tips for recognizing it and establishing protective boundaries to neutralize and/or eliminate narcissists from your life.
Guest: Shannon Savoy, Narcissist Abuse Life Coach & Founder, Narc Free Living
Tune in for the full episode!
Narcissists & Soul Ties! Break The Trauma Bond!
Do you know what an ungodly soul tie is, the signs and effects of an unhealthy soul tie, and how to heal and sever those emotional attachments? It’s surely a process and Narc Free Living is here to help!
Narcissists understand the power of bonding themselves to their targets and enablers. They work quickly to establish a lay line connection to you in the spiritual and soul realms. Narcissistic families & parents solidify ungodly ties to their children through control, guilt, shame, and pressure. In interpersonal relationships, narcissists rush sexual intercourse and what seems like emotional intimacy.
Ungodly soul ties come with curses that must be addressed and broken by the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ.
Relationships with narcissists and ungodly ties:
- Affects your true purpose and identity in Christ
- Your life will not produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit even if you have earthly wealth & success
- Sickness, disease, infirmity, and mental illness affects & begins to overtake you
- Barrenness, delay, abortions, aborted dreams
- Narcissists open the doors to familiar spirits & spirit spouses to thwart and torment you
- Associations and relationships matter! Break those chains!
For more information on ungodly soul ties, please check out this video! I am certain you will be blessed by it!
Let’s break those chains. ⛓
#soulties #spiritualwarfare #traumabonds
So What Is Clubhouse & How Do I Join The Narcissist Abuse Healing Club?
So if you follow Narc Free Living, you’ve likely gotten a verbal invitation from Shannon and the fabulous moderators to join the Narcissist Abuse Healing Club. It is a safe space for survivors to meet, learn and share their stories. Don’t worry, it is an audio-only app. All we can see is your profile pic, like any other app that you use. You can quietly listen in or push a button to raise your hand to “come to the stage” with the host and moderators.
This club is for survivors of narcissist abuse in all aspects of narcissism, spiritual warfare, validating you, and discipleship after abuse. We also hold space to encourage others to release trauma, as it is not meant to dwell within our bodies.
The rooms are held space Tuesdays at 7pm CST | 8pm EST | 5pm PST. Check your time zone for your local area.
We talk about it all: the effects of childhood trauma; how we discovered we were involved with narcissists; spiritual abuse; mother & father wounds; what we learn about ourselves; how to assist others; our triggers; our truth, & more importantly-how we thrive afterward. Our rooms are safe spaces for those who are in – as well as those who escaped the clutches of evil, that is narcissistic abuse. In order to heal, we must visit the past – but we don’t dwell there anymore. The focus is on healing & working through challenges together in an honest & supportive space. We cannot heal from what we choose to conceal.
Triggers * Truth * Testimony * Thrive
What is Clubhouse?
Clubhouse is a place for casual, drop-in audio chats. When you open the app you can see “rooms” full of people talking and exploring different conversations.
It’s a place to network, meet with friends, and new people around the world—to tell stories, ask questions, debate, learn, and have impromptu conversations on thousands of various topics.
How do I join?
- To join: Download the app from your phone’s app store. Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, download the app, and create an account right away!
- Set up your profile.
- Follow @narcfreeliving at
- The Narcissist Abuse Healing Club. Here’s the link:
- Add the upcoming rooms to your calendar or hit the bell so that you are notified when the host or moderators are speaking.
- Join the scheduled room at the scheduled time.
Narcissist Abuse Healing Club Etiquette
- Be BRIEF. Please give the Cliff notes, not the APA or MLA version of your story. We want to stay on topic and allow others to speak as well. Please feel free to share your thoughts & testimony quickly.
- Take notes so that you do not forget! Someone may ask a question that you were going to ask or you may be waiting on the stage until it’s your time to speak.
- We speak on narcissism from a biblical perspective. If God (Jesus & the Holy Spirit) are not your thing, that’s perfectly ok. Kindly understand that we follow Christ – feel free to eat the meat & trim the fat.
- We open & close with prayer. You are free to leave quietly at any time.
- Remember that not everything is not meant for you. We are all at various points in the healing journey.
- No profanity. We understand these are sensitive & hot-button topics. We respect everyone in this safe space & refrain from using profanity.
- This space is a judgment-free zone. We speak the truth in love & wisdom. Our experiences are ours.
- We don’t recommend or practice freemasonry, divination, chakras, occult, or new age practices in this space. Put some respect on YHWH ok?!
- If you are not a moderator – please do not take over the room.
- If you feel unsafe because of anyone in the room, please backchannel or backchat with Shannon or one of the moderators.
- We never arrive at healing. It is a continuous process of shedding toxic traits and learning about ourselves.
Still have questions? Email:
Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement for Clubhouse, the rooms that are on the platform, or the instructional video below. Enter rooms with discernment and discretion. Replays are allowed in some rooms. It will notify you if replays are allowed. If you do not wish to consist of those spaces, do not enter those rooms.
Changes & updates are made weekly by CH developers. Backchannel chat and room replays are now available. When you log into the app it will advise you of current updates.
Here’s a video on how to download Clubhouse on your iPhone & Android.