Narcissists and the Facade

Narcissists, sociopaths, & psychopaths go to great lengths to hide their true selves. Their only purpose in life is to kill, steal, & destroy. Their true nature (Jezebel & other demonic spirits) is the one that you do not see. Only those who have experienced the narcissistic rage have witnessed evil personified face to face. It is a great risk to come forward. Narcissists are both highly predictable & unpredictable. People are simply resources & narcissistic supply. That’s it. They live in an alternate reality where they interchange people like characters in a play. If you go along with their version of reality you are rewarded by their presence in your life. If you go against the grain and try to hold a narcissistic person accountable for anything the true self (demonic spirit) overtakes the false persona. This is why all people who have intimate or close relationships with them can attest to their “Jekyll & Hyde” personality.

They are charming, sweet, funny in one minute, and the next they are rage-filled, combative, and defensive. Always keep in mind THE FALSE SELF WILL PROTECT THE FACADE & IMAGE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. This is why they are very suspicious & always looking for intelligence on their victims. When they cannot find anything, they will just make it up. All along throughout the duration of the relationship, they have dropped little lies here sprinkled with a bit of truth about anyone & everyone. They have zero loyalty to anyone but themselves. No one is safe- not a spouse, not their children, their parents, or friends. If they sense they are close to exposure they up the anty and go full blast with the smear campaign. This is a blatant full force attack on your character.

They want power and control over everyone in their sphere of influence. When they can no longer control you or use your resources, they have no use for you & discard you in the worst way. When they no longer have power on you & your thoughts they then try to control how others view you. Make no mistake everything you are accused of is EVERYTHING that the narc is doing.

They use guilt, shame, and projection. If you are accused of cheating, trust, and believe the narc is the cheater. If they say everyone believes you are crazy, the narc knows they are crazy & irrational. They do not like to be called crazy. They will play the victim and pretend to be so hurt. Most survivors do not want to be victims. But the narc is a perpetual victim & takes advantage of others’ naivety. Most people have no clue and are unable to discern lies from truth. This is why the Holy Spirit is so important in a believer’s life. If you ask the Holy Spirit will show you who a person truly is. It is up to you to act on what is revealed to you.

When a survivor comes forward know that we are doing so with great risk. However, God will protect you. Never underestimate anyone. There are a lot of people who are no longer on this earth because they underestimated a sociopathic person. Narcs love no one. Not even themselves. They have no empathy and are empty & soulless inside. The person you think you know is not there. They are highly disordered and inherently evil. Yes, they know this. No, they do not want to change. No, you cannot help them. No, you cannot change them.

It is best to go No Contact or Grey Rock with narcissistic people. Understand, that you are going to lose ppl that you love, but trust that God will replace them. Once you take the scales off, you see narcissistic traits much more easily. Demons should not be comfortable in your presence.

Narcissists mirror you back to you. This is why people falsely believe they have found their “soulmate”. They are simply taking cues from you so they fit in and disguise themselves. You think they are nice and sweet. Whatever you are unhealed from they use it against you. If you have a mother wound they will use women against you. If you have a father wound they will use men against you. They find out all about you or if you make the mistake of telling them what you desire in a partner, they pretend to be everything your heart desires. This is why HEALING IS SO IMPORTANT.

They have no original thoughts. They are a collective force of everyone they have attached themselves to. If you showed them a restaurant, they take the new supply to that exact same place. Women will copy another woman and mimic her style and personality. They have no emotions. They cry on demand. You feel something because you are a normal person. They don’t. They are acting.

How do you begin to break away and heal? Ask for God’s hedge of protection and to break the soul ties, even with family or platonic relationships. Acknowledge all known and unknown sins and repent from them. Call them out if you know them. Come out of agreement with them. Pray a deliverance prayer. Tell God that you want Him to reveal what you are dealing with. Ask for God to forgive you and forgive those that hurt you. This is a choice and it does not mean that you will feel like forgiving every day. Disobedience gives spirits legal access to you. Set yourself apart from this world. Read & study God’s word. Once you cast spirits out, they will return with 7 more spirits seven times stronger than the first. This is another reason you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

God will keep you and protect you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper!

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