Society presents an image that all parents are good parents and that all parents love and want the best for their children. Sadly this is not the case. This is not the experience of those with narcissistic families. “Well, parents such as this don’t love their children because they don’t truly love God either. These parents have broken the first commandment, and, to their children, that makes them enemies, not parents. And we don’t honor enemies.  We pray for them.(Matthew [...]


Get Up & Walk! Are You Desperate Yet? God has already equipped you! You are not waiting on God. God is waiting on you. Activate your faith. Don’t be passive about your healing. Be intentional! God wants people who want Him. Be desperate for Christ in your life. The woman who touched Jesus’ hem? The man at Bethesda? They were desperate for healing. Are you desperate and intentional about your healing? That’s right where God wants you! Follow Narc Free Living on YouTube and all social media. Don’t forget to like, share, & subscribe! In [...]


A Narcissist Is Dangerous To Your Destiny

Watch here: God instructs us to pray – not stay with or around people who are angry, liars, violent, wicked, gossipers, slanderous, those who participate in evil works, adulterous, & heartless. A narcissist is dangerous because they come to kill, steal, & destroy. Narcissists come to: *Distract *Disrupt *Deny *Destroy *Discombobulate *Dismantle *Delay And to put you, your life & your destiny in disarray. What does God’s Word say? Do not be deceived, bad company corrupts good character. 1 Corinthians 15:33 An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips, there [...]


The Importance of Spiritual Deliverance

How do you begin to heal from a narcissist abusive relationship and break the soul ties? Spiritual deliverance, especially after narcissistic abuse, is very important. Watch the full video & commentary here: Please subscribe to Narc Free Living newly created YouTube channel! Like, comment, & share! How do we overcome strongholds? Believers have the power to overcome strongholds in our lives. When we overcome individually we have greater power to overcome collectively. Spiritual warfare is more than rebuking & binding. We [...]


Do Not Stress About The Smear Campaign Some people believe the narcissist’s pathological lies about you. The smear campaign, the lies about you being “crazy” – when in reality it is the narcissist who is insane due to the many demonic spirits dwelling on the inside of them. Jezebel & her henchmen spirits are actually running the show. The person who believes the narcissist does not understand the spirits behind the seemingly “nice” person that has everyone fooled. They cannot discern the spirits controlling the person. What [...]


Let’s Examine The Spirit of Racism…

What is racism? Racism is the prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. ● Racism is a spirit of division. ● We are called to love all people not just people who look like us. We are dealing with spiritual warfare. Racism is demonic and when we participate in it, we are doing the devil’s work. “But if you favor [...]


Signs That Your Mother Has The Spirit of Jezebel

Have you seen the movie Mommy Dearest? Flowers in the Attic? Precious? Having a narcissistic and toxic mother can be detrimental to a child, especially in the formative years. Society places mothers in such high regard, so we do not think of our own mothers as even remotely narcissistic. With a narcissistic mother, EVERYTHING revolves around her and her perfectly crafted facade. She is likely covert so most people believe the image that she has strategically built over the years. Here [...]


Narcissists and the Facade

Narcissists, sociopaths, & psychopaths go to great lengths to hide their true selves. Their only purpose in life is to kill, steal, & destroy. Their true nature (Jezebel & other demonic spirits) is the one that you do not see. Only those who have experienced the narcissistic rage have witnessed evil personified face to face. It is a great risk to come forward. Narcissists are both highly predictable & unpredictable. People are simply resources & narcissistic supply. That’s it. [...]