How Narcissistic Parents Groom You For Future Narcissistic Relationships!

Narcissistic parents can often groom their children for future narcissistic relationships by modeling unhealthy behaviors and manipulating their children’s emotions and self-esteem. Here are some common ways that narcissistic parents may groom their children for future narcissistic relationships:

  1. Emotional manipulation: Narcissistic parents may use guilt, shame, or other emotional tactics to control their children and make them feel responsible for their parents’ emotions.
  2. Invalidating feelings: Narcissistic parents may dismiss or belittle their children’s feelings, making it difficult for them to trust their own emotions in future relationships.
  3. Overprotection: Narcissistic parents may try to control every aspect of their children’s lives, creating a sense of dependency that can carry over into future relationships.
  4. Idealization and devaluation: Narcissistic parents may alternate between treating their children as perfect and special, and then devaluing them and making them feel worthless. This can create a pattern of seeking approval and validation from others in future relationships.
  5. Lack of boundaries: Narcissistic parents may not respect their children’s boundaries or personal space, which can make it difficult for their children to establish healthy boundaries in future relationships.
  6. Gaslighting: Narcissistic parents may distort or deny their children’s reality, making it difficult for them to trust their own perceptions and judgments in future relationships.

It is important to recognize these patterns and work to break free from them in order to establish healthy relationships in the future. This can involve setting boundaries, addressing past trauma, and developing a sense of self-worth and confidence.

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Narcissists, God’s Chosen, & Generational Curses: What Have We Done?

Narcissistic Parents Groom You For Future Narcissistic Relationships


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