• Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  YouTube

    Narcissists & The Spirit of Whoredom!

    Let’s discuss how narcissists entice you into:

    • Unfaithfulness
    • Adultery
    • Chronic dissatisfaction
    • The Love of money
    • Idolatry
    • Fornication
    • Prostitution
    • Gluttony
    • Eating disorders
    • Worldliness

    Hosea 5:4 They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God: for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the Lord.

    Hosea 4:12 My people inquire of a piece of wood, and their walking staff gives them oracles. For a spirit of whoredom has led them astray, and they have left their God to play the whore.

    Leviticus 19:29 Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land falls to whoredom, and the land becomes full of wickedness.

    Leviticus 20:5 Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.

    Don’t forget to follow Narc Free Living on YouTube, TikTok, and all social media.

    Shannon’s Recommended Reading List https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/YRQE88PMTLAL?ref_=wl_share

    Email: Support@narcfreeliving.com

    In need of narcissist recovery coaching and spiritual deliverance counseling? Schedule a call today! https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC

    To find out more about Narc Free Living’s support groups, services & products go to: https://linktr.ee/Narcfreelivingllc

    Here’s the video link! https://youtu.be/LIrSuA06jlE



  • Narcissistic Family,  YouTube

    The Dangers Of A Narcissistic Mother! Watch Now!

    Do you know the signs of a narcissistic mother?

    Narcissistic mothers fly under the radar but they are much more common than society leads us to believe.

    Watch this video as I discuss the characteristics, signs, and traits!

    Let’s get into it, Chain Breakers!


  • Clothes,  Merch

    New Merch Alert!

    Hello Chain Breakers! We’ve added new tees to our ever-growing product line.

    • I Don’t Diagnose But I DO Discern Signature Tee

    • Minding The Business That Pays Me Signature Tee

    • Queen Signature Tee

    • Fearless Signature Tee

    • Bold Signature Tee

    Ordering from Narc Free Living is a first-class experience. Each order is packed with love & excellence. Tees are typically shipped within 5-7 days of order. Order yours today!


    In need of narcissist recovery coaching and spiritual deliverance counseling?

    BOOK A CONSULTATION: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC

    Linktree: To find out more about Narc Free Living’s support groups,

    services & products go to: https://linktr.ee/Narcfreelivingllc

  • Articles,  Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery

    Narcissists & Betrayal

    Narcissist & Betrayal

    A narcissist is a person who is extremely indulged in self-love. A narcissist is a selfish, self-centered person. He needs an excessive need for attention and admiration. They have disturbed interpersonal relationships.

    Narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths are betrayal-masters. The betrayal is only a matter of sport for them & for others, it is severe psychological, emotional, spirit,ual and mental damage.

    Betrayal is something more painful than cheating. It’s a false representation of someone’s intention. Any type of loss in a relationship is painful but in the case of betrayal, it’s more excruciating.

    People throughout the world are silently abused by narcissists. A narcissist has an exceptional ability to seek sympathy and security from people surrounding them.

    Sadly, few of us cant spot a narcissist in our relationships. People keep themselves hurting throughout their lives.

    What does God’s word say?

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

    Here are a few points that will help you to spot the narcissism in your spouse.

    What are the signs of a narcissist?

    From a psychological perspective, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition. The person is involved in the extreme need for attention and a sense of self-importance. Narcissists seek validation from others. They have superficial relationships and lack empathy. From a spiritual perspective, narcissists are demonic scoffers.

    2nd Peter 3:3 warns us that “in the last day’s scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.”

    They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.”

    3 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, …

    Let’s highlight a few signs of narcissist that can help you to spot narcissism.


    1. They are highly insecure

    They are highly insecure, so they look for others to fulfill them.

    Narcissists look for security. It’s not personal to them but it’s highly personal to victims of narcissist abuse.

    They have an incomplete and unbalanced personality therefore they need someone to complete them.

    They are takers, they always search for those who are givers. They don’t have the limitation of how much they will take from a person?

    They look for everything they inherently don’t have. They are in survival mode all the time on the hunt.


    1. Exaggerated need of validation

    A narcissist needs a constant need of attention and validation.  They are the predators some more, some less, this is why they cheat.

    They want to keep their partner engage by asking for the things or keep something to grab your attention.

    They seek people to surround them. They think the more people they surround the more backup they have in case if someone leaves.

    Their formula of attention is quite simple.  More numbers more security, more security. It makes them wanted and needed all the time.

    Despite all their bragging and boasting or grandiose, they are insecure. The narcissist needs an unstoppable supply of praise and approvals from others.


    1. Lack of empathy

    The narcissist has a lack of empathy. They don’t care about how the other person feels. A narcissist lacks the skill of making others validated, accepted, or understood.

    The means of an overflow of narcissist supply is significant in their behaviors.

    If you as a victim try to give them the silent treatment, they are entertaining and talking about you to others.

    They keep speaking with others while you speak with no one. Because you are trying to figure out, what happened?


    1. They are egocentric

    A narcissist is an egocentric person. They don’t feel ashamed or guilty of what they have done with others.

    They don’t even think of themselves for the emotional and psychological damage they have done to others.

    Ego strokes their false self must always be stroked and catered to.

    Leaving the people helpless, shattered, and devastated is part of their game.


    1. They are horrible with finances

    A narcissist is a predator. They search for anyone who can not only bear their ugly personalities but their dirty finances too.

    They trap people with their charming personalities and ambidexterity.


    Ways A Narcissist betray their partner

    A relationship with a narcissist is a fairy tale in beginning. Over time, a narcissist starts showing their true colors.

    The past dream dates become the worst nightmare. Anyone can be a victim of narcissist abuse, but individuals with emotional abuse and trauma fall for them.

    Betrayal is a part of a narcissist personality. A narcissist can stop himself from betrayal. After all, the abuse and betrayal flow in their blood.

    There are few ways, a narcissist can betray you. Have a look

    • Pornography
    • Triangulation
    • Lying them to others
    • Betraying your secrets to others
    • Infidelity

    The people who experience betrayal by their narcissist partner face different mental and social pressures.

    The betrayal leads to certain health and emotional traumas. One of the major issues is CPTSD.



    Betrayal whether from a family member, a friend, or an intimate partner causes a dramatic breach of trust. When a spouse or partner betrays you they are creating a soul tie with the external partner that you will have to contend with.

    The shocking turn of events disrupts our lives, compromises our safety, and overwhelms us.

    The betrayal is not the reflection of your character, it’s a sign of their character.

    Remember, narcissists, are always in numbers. Their goal is to collect people on their side, so you feel alone and more betrayed by others.

    Just keep yourself focused, cool and calm. No one on the earth is allowed to make you unhappy or shattered.

    Staying connected to your loved ones is the best therapy. We only live once, make the most of our life. Be a reason for someone’s happiness.

    Watch this video as we discuss the narcissist from a biblical perspective and how to overcome to truly break those chains.


  • Merch

    New Merch Alert!

    Have you visited the Narc Free Living shop? See what’s new in our store!

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    Are you a witness for God’s goodness and mercy working in your life? It’s God grace for me!

    No need to worry about the narcissist or the enemy in your life, tag Him in and Watch God Work!

    Order your tees today!



  • Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Spiritual Warfare

    Face Your Giants! Giants Do Fall!


    Narcissists Will Fall!

    How do we respond to the giants in our lives?

    How do you respond to the situations that appear as giants in your life?

    What giants are you facing today?

    Let’s take a look at David & Goliath.

    “Then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Gath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was over nine feet tall! He wore a bronze helmet, and his bronze coat of mail weighed 125 pounds.

    He also wore bronze leg armor, and he carried a bronze javelin on his shoulder.

    The shaft of his spear was as heavy and thick as a weaver’s beam, tipped with an iron spearhead that weighed 15 pounds. His armor bearer walked ahead of him carrying a shield. Goliath stood and shouted a taunt across to the Israelites. “Why are you all coming out to fight?” he called. “I am the Philistine champion, but you are only the servants of Saul. Choose one man to come down here and fight me! If he kills me, then we will be your slaves.

    But if I kill him, you will be our slaves! I defy the armies of Israel today! Send me a man who will fight me!”

    Let’s examine the parallels between Goliath and narcissists.

    With your carnal eyes, it appeared as if there was no way that David would be victorious.

    Oh, but Chain Breakers, in the spirit with God’s Spirit, the victory was ALREADY WON!

    When difficulties arise begin to see them as David saw Goliath!

    See them as opportunities to take out a giant!

    See those generational curses that have been operating in your family for centuries as an opportunity to removes curses from your bloodline.

    See that alienated child coming back to you in the spirit.

    See that court date already won! See you winning your case.

    Begin to see yourself HEALED!


    Look at that narcissist as an opponent because that is what they are.

    The narcissist is not your friend. In the flesh, and by biology may be your father, your mother, your relative, your so-called BFF, your coworker.

    But in the spirit, the narcissist is filled with many demonic spirits that come to kill, steal, and destroy you.

    How do we become like King David?

    We put on the whole Armor of God!

    We always go to God’s word, Christ, and the Holy Spirit!

    Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.

    11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

    12 For our struggle is not against [a]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

    13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on an evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

    14 Stand firm, therefore, having belted your waist with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.

    15 and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace;

    16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

    17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


    David could not run from Goliath! He ran AT Goliath. He play offense instead of defense. What is your posture against demons? What is your posture against the enemy?

    David ran in order to hit Goliath with brute force. You see the momentum behind David as he ran contributed to the power of the simple stone hitting Goliath’s head.

    If David would have stayed stuck standing, crying, becoming a victim of his circumstances, he would have succumbed to Goliath.

    You have to run at Goliath. Full Force.

    Goliath had a sword and armour. David had a stone and tunic. You have to attack the giant with the opposite force. You have to run at pride with humility.

    You have to attack hate with love. You have to fight flesh with spirit. You have to fight demons with Christ. You have to fight the enemy’s lies with the word of Yahweh!

    You have to run full force at fear with boldness. You have to tell doubt goodbye! After narcissist abuse it is extremely hard to trust, now you go to God and ask Him for discernment. You are not depending on you – you are depending on God. And He has never lost a battle!

  • Narc Free Living Events

    Sisters, Rock Your Crown!

    Are You Ready To Rock Your Crown?

    Are you a survivor of narcissist abuse?

    Are you still in a narcissistic relationship of any kind?

    Do you know who you are?

    After narcissist abuse victims must reconnect with God and themselves. It is important to know who Gods says we are. We must walk in our God-given power and authority to regain the strength, power, and discernment needed to go from desolation to dominion in Christ.

    Chain Breakers – you are the daughter of a Risen King!
    Join us as we discuss going from Pauper to Princess to Queen!
    Join us Tuesday, June 1st, Narcissist Abuse Awareness Day at
    7 pm CST | 8 pm EST | 5 pm PST. We are going from Clubhouse to Zoom!
    So go ahead & wear your crown on this call. (Amazon has crowns & tiaras for $10-21).
    A huge thank you to those of you who have already registered!
    A link will be sent to your email address and a text reminder will be sent days prior to the event.
    Wear your crown & celebrate with other Queens! It’s time to understand who you are in Christ! Sign up here: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC
    (The sign-up time may say 11 am. The actual time is 7 pm – 9 pm CST.)
  • E-books

    Get Your Narcissist Abuse Healing E-book Today!

    Are you ready? This 60-page E-book discusses it all!

    1. Discover why you’re attracting narcissists & how to dismantle the cycle.

    2. How to work through the desolation phase, the hurt, & pain.

    4. Release & counterattack obsessive thoughts.

    5. Process the stages of grief & closure that you will never receive from the narcissist.

    6. Deliverance & freedom in Christ.

    7. How to begin to take back everything the enemy tried to steal from you!

    And much more.

    Get yours today!

    Visit: www.narcfreeliving.com/shop

  • Uncategorized

    Rise Up Chain Breakers! No, Narcissists Will Not Win!

    This message is for those who need encouragement.

    It is time to make up in your mind that you want to heal!

    See yourself healed.

    It is time to break the generational curses.

    It is time to weed out the snakes.

    In this hour Jehovah is separating the wheat from the tare.

    It is time to stand tall Chain Breaker!

    It is time to get beyond the shame of your story.

    It is time to break the chains!


  • Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery

    Feature Article: How To Spot Narcissist Abuse & How To Break Free


    How To Spot Narcissistic Abuse And Free Yourself

    Author & Advocate: Shannon Savoy

    Please check out this week’s feature article in Safe Speaks on “How To Spot Narcissist Abuse & How To Break Free.”

    If you believe you are a victim of narcissist abuse, or you are not quite sure, this article is for you. Also, if you just want to learn more so that you & your loved ones know the signs & that you are more aware, this is for you as well.

    Let’s break those chains!

    Safe Speaks is a digital safe space for gender-based violence awareness, advocacy, empowerment, and healing. Safe Speaks is coordinated by Ms. Edith Mecha, creative writer, social science researcher, and civic change advocate.

    Read the article here:
