Corporate Fasting & Prayer For The Month Of August!
Shabbat Shalom! As Holy Spirit leads please join me in a corporate fast. I typically fast at the end of the month & the first day of the month, to hear God’s instructions on the month ahead. If you would like to join communion on Saturday, August 6th, ask God to search your heart & prepare you to take it in good standing.
Corporate fast: July 31st, 6 am-6 pm
Communion Sabbath: August 6th (Join me live!) Prayer Point 🙏🏽
For those in agreement: Heavenly Father, I repent for all of my sins. Yeshua is my Redeeming Savior. I renounce my allegiance to all false gods. May spiritual, psychological, & emotional chains be broken off our minds. I decree that every chain of narcissist abuse and spirit of Jezebel be broken in Jesus’ name. Every shackle of financial lack and ruminating thoughts be shattered by the pulling down of strongholds.
I bind & locate every strongman spirit & principality that is keeping your children bound. May they be loosened by the Blood of Jesus. Release the shackles of every Pharoah! Let us not bow down to any Nebuchadnezzar! We will not abort our babies or our God-given dreams. Spirit of Herod die by fire! Release the hounds of Heaven against every Jezebellic false prophet, masquerading as angels of light.
I decree there WILL BE A MASS EXODUS out of satanic, demonic covenants & entanglements posing as Godly, Holy unions. For Godly covenants, let them be reinforced by your 3-cord strand, never to be put asunder. Anything that is not like you I command every demonic force to MOVE out of my life. I WALK IN FREEDOM. I met a BONDSMAN named Jesus Christ of Nazareth! I AM HEALED! I AM RESTORED! I serve the Great I AM! I ask for an indwelling of your Holy Spirit & loose the fruits of the Spirit in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. Shalom
Jesus took the bread, broke it, and said “Eat. This is My body.” Then, with the cup of wine, He explained further. Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:27-28
Jesus asked us to follow His instructions & this tradition in remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice that was made for our transgressions. He gave His life for our lives. He bore our sins. was poured out to wash away our sins. Communion is a spiritual symbol and reminder of what Yeshua did at the Cross. We do this, not only as a symbol or out of tradition. It is a reminder to invite the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts, minds, & lives.
Note: Prior to taking communion ask God to examine you. Repent for sins. God does not expect perfection but progress & examination. Do this in remembrance of Christ.
Check out these messages below for prayer and edification!
Narcissists In The Workplace: Jezebel’s On The Job! Clubhouse Room
What are the signs of Jezebel in the job? Do you know how to armor up in the workplace?
Join survivors of narcissist abuse on the Clubhouse audio app, Tuesday, July 19 at 7 pm CST for an audio conversation!Narcissists In The Workplace: Jezebel’s On The Job!Set your reminder here:New to Clubhouse or not sure how to join?
What is Clubhouse? https://narcfreeliving.com/join-clubhouse/
Join the Narcissist Abuse Healing Club on C L U B H O U S E: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/narcissist-abuse-hea
Follow Shannon on Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@narcfreeliving
How The Narcisisst Got In: Witchcraft & Legal Rights
How do narcissists gain access to our lives?
Join me for a short(er) 😉live today Wednesday, July 12 at 5:45 pm CST!
- How do narcissists gain access?
- What are legal rights?
- How do they use witchcraft?
- How do we break the legal rights & overcome in Christ?
Let’s break those chains! ⛓⚔️
Set your reminder here: https://youtu.be/JDgFbe5iQf0
Why The Narcissist Targets YOU! Join the livestream!
Do you feel like a narc magnet?
Do you wonder why the narcissist chose you?
Does there seem to be so many narcissists around you?
Join me on YouTube for the live stream Saturday, June 4 at 1pm CST! Set your reminder below!
Let’s examine why narcissists target you. In addition, I’ll break down:
-Narc Hunting Season
-The Hunger Games
-Predator Vs. Prey
-Empathic people Vs. Narcissists
-Narc Rules Of Engagement
-What happens when you are unaware & unawakened
-What makes you a target for narcissists
-Why knowledge is key 🔑
-God’s War Plan
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil… Matthew 4:1
Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only. Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. Matthew 4:10-11
Join my group coaching program! Visit Shop – Narc Free Living®. If you have questions or need assistance email support@narcfreeliving.com.
The Power Of Discernment Against Narcissists!
Replay this prayer and midday chat! In this video I discuss:
-Discerning of spirits
-Our God-given alarm system
-Check the F.A.C.T.S.
Tune in to this power-packed conversation!
10 Types Of People Who Don’t Undergo Deliverance!
He [Leviathan] beholds every high thing; he is king over all the children of pride.
Job 41:34
Narcissists do not (typically) repent and renounce their sins because of a seared conscience and lack of remorse. What can we learn from this? What other spirits keep others from deliverance? Watch this video & examine yourself to ensure that you are not operating in unrepentance, shame, and pride!
Let’s break those chains!