What Are The Signs Of A Narcissistic Relationship Or Family?
What are the signs that something is amiss in your relationship, “friendship”, narc next door, “family”, or your encounter with Jezebel on the job?
One of the first signs you’ll notice are crazymaking and gaslighting. You’ll begin to feel as if you can’t get right. You’ll go from being the best thing to the worst as you go through the cycles of abuse.
Here are a few signs:
- You find yourself walking on eggshells around this person or group of people.
- You begin to discern how hypersensitive, yet cold & calculating, the narcissist is.
- Narcissists can dish it but cannot take what they give.
- The person is either a perpetual victim or the hero in their tall tales.
- They seek to embarrass or usurp you or your authority.
- Toxic people demand respect while giving none.
- They preach honor while living dishonorably.
- They are public angels and private devils.
- You’ll notice how two-faced they are. They are “charming” and seemingly “nice” in public.
- Narcissists are two-faced and love to gossip and smear others’ reputations to bolster their low self-esteem.
- When you bring something to them that bothers you, it will be invalidated and you’ll notice a lack of empathy.
- Any boundaries you try to set are met with bulldozing right past them.
Whew…It’s the drama, duality, and audacity for me.
“Ain’t nobody got time for that!” ~Sweet Brown
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