Narcissists, Covenants Children, & Co-parenting!

Let’s have the talk that our fathers and mothers SHOULD have given us! There’s so much we just did not learn or were conditioned to believe! Join me live on WEDNESDAY, January 24th, 2024 at 8 pm CST | 9 pm EST for a frank discussion on Narcissists, Covenants Children, & Co-parenting! *Dating *Protecting Children *Why abuse is rampant in the family and church *Marriage *What happens when you “stay for the children” with a narcissist? *When you offer a sacrifice to false gods *Dangers of secrecy [...]


Join Corporate Prayer & Fasting September 1-3 from 6am-6pm!

Ready to break strongholds and go deeper in your faith, breakthrough, & healing? Join Corporate Prayer & Fasting each morning on September 1-3 at 6am CST-7am CST! I’ll be live at 6am CST on YouTube as we address prayer points and break the chains, curses, and cycles of narcissist abuse! Here are the links for each day: Day 1: Prayers Against Narcissists, Plandemics, & Demonic Confederations #narcissist Day 2: Prayers Against Narcissists, Parental Alienation, & Court Room Battles #parentalalienation Day 3: Prayers [...]


The Narcissist Wants Your Mind! The Battlefield Of The Mind! Join me LIVE Saturday, July 29 at 1pm CST. Set your reminder HERE! *How the narcissist makes you lose your mind *Carlee Russel and the Leviathan Spirit *Types of narcissists and how they operate *Your grip on reality *Narc Land *Rumination *Love bombing, Demonic Soul Ties, and Trauma Bonding *How To Protect YOUR Mind! *Freedom and Breakthrough In Christ! Share this:TwitterFacebookEmail


June Chain Breaker University Session!

Ok, Chain Breaker Queens! If you have been contemplating joining Chain Breaker University (CBU) NOW is the time! Our next session is Thursday, June 22 at 6:30pm CST. We’ll be discussing the DANGERS OF THE NARCISSIST’S HOOVER. You don’t want to miss the remaining June and July sessions. These are months of BREAKTHROUGH! If you are recovering from narcissist abuse, CBU is for you. We’ll be discussing: *My daughter will be sharing her deliverance testimony *Why deliverance after narcissist [...]


The Narcissist’s Agenda | The Leviathan Spirit & The Dangers of PRIDE!

JOIN THE LIVESTREAM Saturday, June 17th at 1 pm CST. The Narcissist’s Agenda | The Leviathan Spirit & The Dangers of PRIDE! Let’s break those chains!     Share this:TwitterFacebookEmail


Why It Hurts So Bad! Broken Heart Syndrome & Narcissist Abuse!  

Why It Hurts So Bad! Broken Heart Syndrome & Narcissist Abuse!  Join the live stream on YouTube on Saturday, May 20th at 1pm CST! ⏰ Don’t forget to hit the bell & subscribe 🛎️ for alerts. Let’s discuss: * Broken heart syndrome * Recovering from betrayal trauma * The grieving process * Survivors before & after narcissist abuse * Narcissist abuse is unlike any other abuse * Lamentations * Soul ties & trauma bonds * How to recover and give birth to purpose [...]


Narcissists Are Satan’s Foot Soldiers!

How Satan uses the narcissist:  Trauma is a gateway to drugs, witchcraft, sorcery, tarot, new age, divination, and rebellion because survivors want answers and to be empowered – especially after narcissistic abuse. Make no mistake about it, narcissists are Satan’s foot soldiers. He uses them to inflict pain on people. Because satan hates all people including those he uses – narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, et. al. But he will use them and then destroy them or they will destroy themselves [...]


Narcissists & Stalking!

Narcissists love to install fear and control over their victims. One of their tools is monitoring, cyber stalking, and targeting individuals. Filing a restraining order against a narcissist is often a necessary and unavoidable step on the road to recovery.  Most narcissists have no regard for their victim’s safety. They certainly do not adhere to your requests for no contact. They oppose boundaries and trample them with an alarming sense of entitlement. YOU must protect YOU. Here are a [...]


Fighting With A Narcissist Is A Losing Battle!

One of the main reasons that fighting with a narcissist can feel like a losing battle is because they are likely to see any disagreement or criticism as a threat to their sense of self. They can become defensive, angry, or even aggressive in response to any perceived attack on their ego. Additionally, narcissists often have a tendency to manipulate and control others in order to maintain their sense of power and superiority. They may use gaslighting, projection or other [...]


When You Are Called The “Crazy” One By A Narcissist!

Narcissists are emotional Decepticons. They use a variety of tactics, such as invalidation, projection, smear campaigns, & triangulation to disarm their victims. Even before you are aware, the narcissist is spreading lies & misinformation about you & others. Long before you realized what & who they were, they were already laying seeds of doubt about you & your character to anyone that listens or entertains their antics. When the mask slips & you see exactly what they are, they’ll [...]