- Domestic Abuse, healing from trauma, Jezebel Spirit, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Narcissists, Domestic Abuse, & Interpersonal Violence!
Join me for this candid and informative conversation on Tuesday, October 4 at 7pm CST! Let’s examine:
- What is the correlation between narcissists and domestic violence?
- How flying monkeys and enablers perpetuate the cycle of abuse
- Domestic Abuse (physical, psychological, financial, spiritual, emotional, etc.)
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Power & Control Wheel
- What is Digital Abuse?
- What is Cyberstalking?
- God’s Word for abusers and hope for survivors!
It’s time to level up! Feeling stuck? Ready to break the chains of narcissist abuse? Are you experiencing demonic attacks? Let’s break those chains. Schedule a call today! Go here to learn more: https://narcfreeliving.com/services/
Narcissists Are EVERYWHERE! Witches In The Church!
Jezebel and witchcraft are rampant in the church – and everywhere else! Join me Saturday, October 1, at 1pm CST for this in-depth conversation!
- Should Jezebel be exposed?
- Should members remain quiet?
- What is the danger when we do?
- What are the signs of witches in the church?
- How do they assimilate?
- What is their assignment?
- Who are the Chosen Ones?
- What is the correlation between narcissists and witchcraft?
- How do you discern witches and warlocks?
- How do we overcome?
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. 2 Peter 2:1
Ready to break the chains of narcissist abuse? Are you experiencing demonic attacks? Let’s break those chains. Schedule a call today! Go here to learn more: https://narcfreeliving.com/services/
Narc Free Living® YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnS35mcR_5MMVTXncRbAbg/join
Members-only videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOwnS35mcR_5MMVTXncRbAbg
If you would like to donate CashApp: $ShanMica or PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/narcfreeliving
Schedule a call today: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC
Have a question? Check out FAQS: https://narcfreeliving.com/frequently-asked-questions/
Not ready to schedule a 1:1 or have a question about narcissist abuse, mentorship, or career? Ask your question and receive a personalized, tailored response just for you! Visit https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoy
You will know if you are under generational curses by examining your life, patterns, cycles, & bloodline. Narcissists, narcissistic relationships, & narcissistic parents bring curses into your life.
The gospel is literally the good news. The Blood is what redeems us from the law and the curses. What affects you & your children does not have to continue to affect you. Yahshua is a curse breaker!
A few signs of curses:
*Married to or in a relationship with a narcissist (spirit of Jezebel)
*Narcissistic parents
*Orphan or vagabond spirit
*Spirit of heaviness, depression, excessive mourning
*Sickness, unexplained illnesses, hereditary diseases
*Untimely & premature death
*Barrenness | unable to conceive
*Divorce & no marriage repeatedly in the bloodline
*Poverty | lack | debt
*Spirit spouses | untimely death of a spouse (Like a black widow)
*Lack of completion
Not everything is a curse. Holy Spirit will show you what is & what isn’t.
All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown wealthy from the extravagance of her luxury. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues. For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities”...Revelation 18:3
Prayers to repent, break & renounce below ⬇️
Prayer Point for those in agreement: Heavenly Father, we enter your courts with praise and worship for you are truly worthy. I wholeheartedly repent of all of my sins, made by commission and omission and I seek refuge in you. I fully surrender my will and come in alignment with your will for my life. I accept Jesus Christ, Yahshua as my personal Savior. I believe that He died and rose again on the third day and by HIS stripes we are healed. I renounce all ungodly soul ties, tear down every evil altar, and close every door opened through my sin, generational curses, and my bloodline.
I am called to be a bloodline breaker! I am called to be a Chain Breaker in Christ. I arise and take my place in the Kingdom of Heaven as a joint heir to the throne. I release unforgiveness, bind up monitoring spirits, witchcraft, divination, tarot, horoscopes, psychic warfare, false prophets, false prophesy, candle burning invoking familiar spirits, spirit spouses, incantations, voodoo, hoodoo, juju, obeah, crystals, chakras, using sage for protection, and every demonic curse sent my way or my children’s way. I return demons to the sender sevenfold and cancel their evil assignments. I loosen your hedge of protection and ask for your warrior angels to go before us every day. I cut every evil lay line and burn their ungodly silver cords in the name of JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA HAMASHIACH. It is so. Shalom
Candid Conversations With CT & Panel! Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month…join us for ‘Candid Conversations’ on Tue Oct 18th at 7 pm EST | 6 pm CST. Let’s speak on the unspoken and give a voice to the voiceless!
Join the convo with 6 guest speakers and the Host Catherine E Trotter, who will be releasing a new book entitled, ‘Journey Back 2 Me’.
Join the convo with Catherine and 6 guest speakers:
- Shannon Mica (Narc Free Living),
- Sherrie W Scott (Know Your Worth)
- Shana Turner (HR Mask)
- Dr. Marci Batiste (Nine Seconds)
- Cynthya Pagán Hale (Domestic Violence Rally)
- Angel Harmon (Zipporah’s Basket, Inc.)
This conversation will be streaming live on Facebook at CT Speaks – If you are in the Baltimore area RSVP at info@metamorphosisshadow.com to join in person. Join the conversation here!
- Conferences, healing from trauma, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Speaker, Speaking engagements, Workshop
Healing Beyond The Surface Event! Register today!
Are you in the Houston area? Queens, join me for the Healing Beyond The Surface Event! Join other panelists and me as we discuss: Why Healing is Important & How to Start the Process!
Event information: Sunday, October 9, 2022, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (CDT) in Houston TX (Click on the link below for the venue)
Hosted by Jeanna Myrtil of Women of Purpose & Value, INC
- Panel Discussion w/Therapists & Coaches
- Vendor Shopping
- Networking
- Giveaways
Do you have a business? Do you want to network and meet other women who are moving BEYOND trauma?
About this event
Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that really isn’t you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.
This event is designed to empower women to evolve and grow in life and business. This will be an open forum discussion with licensed therapists and coaches discussing topics, including but not limited to mental health, family/childhood traumas, self-love, and self-care.
Most of us have already started our own journey into healing our minds and bodies, others may need some push or direction. No matter where you are in your journey, this is a safe space to share some of your experiences and/or gain some clarity on what the next step may be for you.
We don’t just want to talk about the importance of healing, we want to provide you with the resources to help you along your individual healing journey. Our lineup of speakers are sure to inspire and equip you with real tools to take action in the direction of your dreams. We are eagerly anticipating an afternoon of motivation, inspiration, and clarity.
For those looking for a networking opportunity, this is your chance to create intentional relationships with people who are looking for you! Bring yourself, a friend, your business card (or e-cards, social media cards, etc.), and prepare yourself for a time filled with endless possibilities and new connections!
- Chain Breaker University, Group Coaching, Narc Free Living Events, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Chain Breaker University Commences Today! (September 22, 2022)
Today’s the DAY!
Tonight we tear down altars & break generational curses! Join Shannon & CBU queens for 8 weeks of healing, narcissist abuse recovery, severing soul ties, inner child wounds, knowing your worth, rewiring your subconscious mind, spiritual warfare, discipleship, Kingdom building, accountability & much more!
CBU is healing holistically: spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, career, business, & personal growth. Let’s break those chains! ⛓ “If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Ecclesiastes 4:10
New Merch Alert!
Chain Breaker News! Catching Up With Stephanie J!
We caught up with Chain Breaker Stephanie this week! Stephanie is leveling up in life and in the Kingdom!
Here’s a little about this Chain Breaker who is totally committed to breaking the chains of abuse!
“I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Virginia Commonwealth University in December 2006. In June 2009, I obtained my Master’s Degree from the University of Phoenix Online. Since 2006, I have worked a plethora of positions in the Mental Health career field. My line of work is definitely where I discovered my passion for working with mental health client care.
God blessed me with the gifts of hospitality and compassion. It takes a very special person to work in this population in this field. It is NOT for everyone. My passion for wanting to help people improve their quality of life motivates me to continue working in this area of expertise. Currently, I work as a Care Manager for an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). In this role, I connect clients to counselors. I also provide in-the-moment counseling and resources to clients dealing with mental health concerns, domestic violence, and major life changes.
My goal is to one day become a life coach and or use my purpose to witness to women that are dealing with and have previously dealt with toxic relationships. I continue to seek God & His guidance to use my experiences as a testimony to others. I want to show other women there is hope and that it’s never too late to figure out your value and worth.
Taking classes through CBU was a life-changing experience for me.I have learned how to battle spiritual warfare and break generational curses. This program has also taken me through deliverance and I am thankful for Shannon’s prayers and covering over my life. This community has taught me how to identify healthy relationships vs. toxic relationships. My entire 8-weeks helped me renew my mind and rededicate my life back to God completely.
The classes also showed me my top 5 spiritual gifts including Mercy, Pastor/Shepard, Exhortation, Help, and Service. I would recommend this class to anyone as Shannon is a blessing from God. I am so thankful she allowed God to use her and share her testimony. God led me to Shannon’s Youtube channel the week of my breakup from my Narcissistic Abusive relationship. I am so thankful God led me to her!”
Read the full newsletter HERE!
Want to be featured in an upcoming Narc Free Living publication? Are you an inspiring author or writer? Do you want to share inspiration for other survivors or have tips about narcissist abuse? Want to share your Kingdom business or ministry?
Complete this form HERE!
- Monitoring spirits, Narc Land, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, Workshop
What Are The Signs Of A Narcissistic Relationship Or Family?
What are the signs that something is amiss in your relationship, “friendship”, narc next door, “family”, or your encounter with Jezebel on the job?
One of the first signs you’ll notice are crazymaking and gaslighting. You’ll begin to feel as if you can’t get right. You’ll go from being the best thing to the worst as you go through the cycles of abuse.
Here are a few signs:
- You find yourself walking on eggshells around this person or group of people.
- You begin to discern how hypersensitive, yet cold & calculating, the narcissist is.
- Narcissists can dish it but cannot take what they give.
- The person is either a perpetual victim or the hero in their tall tales.
- They seek to embarrass or usurp you or your authority.
- Toxic people demand respect while giving none.
- They preach honor while living dishonorably.
- They are public angels and private devils.
- You’ll notice how two-faced they are. They are “charming” and seemingly “nice” in public.
- Narcissists are two-faced and love to gossip and smear others’ reputations to bolster their low self-esteem.
- When you bring something to them that bothers you, it will be invalidated and you’ll notice a lack of empathy.
- Any boundaries you try to set are met with bulldozing right past them.
Whew…It’s the drama, duality, and audacity for me.
“Ain’t nobody got time for that!” ~Sweet Brown
Are you ready to level up? Ready to break curses, cycles, and chains? Queens, Join Chain Breaker University. Healing, recovery, & deliverance God’s way. CBU is for YOU! Register Today!
- Articles, Chain Breaker University, Group Coaching, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, News, Soul Ties, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Are You Sick & Tired Of Being Sick & Tired?! Chain Breaker News!
Are you Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired?! Meet a queen that is breaking chains!
Chain Breaker News HERE!
Meet a Chain Breaker University Spring Cohort Queen: Shannon L.Shannon is a child of God, a survivor of domestic and narcissistic abuse, a mom (& pet mom), national certified medical assistant, just to name a few of her roles. Shannon loves helping people, especially hurting women and the elderly. Outside of Shannon’s formal titles and hats, she enjoys volunteering, journaling, watching movies, spending time with family, and working on various projects. ether. She aspires to be an author so she can tell her story and let women know that they are not alone.What Chain Breaker University (CBU) meant to Shannon:Chain Breaker University (CBU) was a right-on-time program. Coming out of narcissistic abuse and getting to the root was much-needed and edifying. Learning to set boundaries, release codependency, and become authentically who my father in heaven called me to be, are just some of the amazing things I experienced. The information learned during CBU will be utilized for many years to come. I strongly recommend this program to any woman, even If you think you have it all together! Chain Breakers, we can always elevate and vibrate higher.Thank you, Shannon Savoy, for being obedient, and for sharing your life, time, energy, wisdom, and the word of God. Many blessings to the spring CBU graduates, as well as, the Fall Semester Chain Breaker University queens!In this week’s Chain Breaker news that YOU can use:
- Daily Inspiration
- CBU Community
- FAQs
- Have a question? Ask your question here!
- Season of Beginnings
- Prayer Point for this week!
Godly men arise!
Kingdom daughters arise!
We are men & women of warfare!
I take back everything that the enemy stole. I call back my inheritance as a joint heir to the throne. Jehovah Gibbor, cover me in battle. I ask that you release your giant warrior angels to war on my behalf. Unseat, undam, assault, and liquefy the enemy’s lay lines! I decree that no weapon formed against me and my family shall prosper. I humbly bring you into remembrance of the promises to restore my life as I seek ye the Kindom of Heaven and your righteousness. Like Jacob, I will not let you go until you bless me Elohim! Change my name like Israel! I decree and declare I AM MADE NEW! I SHALL RECOVER! I SHALL ADVANCE YOUR KINGDOM! I SHALL ARISE! Perhaps I was born for such a time as this! In Jesus’ name, I pray. IT IS SO! Shalom.
And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12
Do you want to stay in the Narc Free Living Chain Breaking LOOP? Receive weekly encouragement, prayer, upcoming events, survivor support groups, and recaps of social-media sessions are delivered right to your inbox! Sign up here! Chain Breaker News