Chain Breaker News! August 29, 2022
Check out the latest Chain Breaker News!
In this week’s newsletter:
- Chain Breaker Corner
- Safety From Narcissist Abuse Workshop
- CBU Q&A Session
- Upcoming Livestreams
- Powerful Prayer Point & Declarations
We had the chance to catch up with Chain Breaker University graduate, Kenda! Kenda is a woman on the move. She is breaking chains, healing, and shaking up the real estate game!
Here’s a little about Kenda:
My name is Kenda Morris. I am a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner with more than 20 years of nursing experience. Recently, I launched Lady Nephrology, a YouTube channel where I discuss topics related to kidney disease. My dream is to open a dialysis clinic eventually. Click here for the full story and newsletter!
Connect with Kenda:
Alluring Heights LLC: https://www.
alluringheightsllc.net/ Lady Nephrology Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/
LadyNephrology Subscribe and support Kenda!
Want to stay in the loop? Click HERE! Stay in the Narc Free Living Chain Breaking LOOP! Receive weekly encouragement, prayer, upcoming events, survivor support groups, and recaps of social-media sessions are delivered right to your inbox!
Join Actress Mara Hall & Shannon Savoy on IG LIVE!
Are you on Instagram? Make sure you are following @Narc Free Living® LLC! Join actress @mara_hall | @lovebombingthebook & as we discuss lovebombing, narcissist abuse, & healing ❤️🩹.
Mara and Shannon will be LIVE on Instagram on Monday, August 29, 7 pm CST | 8 pm EST on IG Live! Turn those notifications on! ⏰
Follow Shannon on Instagram: @narcfreelivingllc URL: https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/
Learn more about Mara Hall here: https://www.instagram.com/lovebombingthebook/
- Mother-Daughter Wound, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissistic Family, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Narcissists & Children: Children Of The Cursed!
Join me LIVE on YouTube Tuesday, August 30 at 7pm CST for a healing heart-to-heart on narcissists, , children, & breaking the curses.
*How narcissists view children
*Why narcissists have children
*Children & adult children living with narcissists
*A candid conversation about parents’ choices & their children
*Seeing our reflection in our children
*The dangers of dating in the flesh
*Honorable and dishonorable parents
* How narcissistic parents cause their children to stumble
*Warning and judgment for narcissistic parents
*The power of Kingdom Couples against curses
*Breaking the curses
- Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
- Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
- Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
your walls are ever before me. Isaiah 49:15-16 - Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
- Deuteronomy 28
- Chain Breaker University, Clubhouse, Group Coaching, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Spiritual Deliverance, Workshop, YouTube
Save The Date(s)! Upcoming Chain Breaker Community Events
Here’s what’s coming up in the Chain Breaker Community:
- Tuesday, August 23 – YouTube Livestream – 7pm CST – Narcissists, Debts, & Financial Abuse How Narcissists Use Money To Keep You Trapped! – https://youtu.be/ISw-_MpuhsE
- Tuesday, August 30 – YouTube Livestream – Narcissists & Children: Caught In The Middle Of Curses! 7pm CST – https://youtu.be/7dQ34SmbyKA
- Thursday, Sept. 1 – Chain Breaker University Q&A virtual interest session 6:30pm-7:30pm CST – This chain-breaking course is for queens who are truly ready to break curses, cycles, and chains. I’ll have an interest session on September 1st at 6:30 pm via Zoom for those who are interested & considering joining. A few graduates will be joining us to help answer your questions! Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvceqhrTkrG9UGQhL3wAUTinWK26fSPw8n
- Saturday, Sept. 3 – Safety After Narcissist Abuse Workshop 12pm-2pm CSTRegister via this website (debit/credit card/PayPal): https://narcfreeliving.com/product/safety-after-abuse-workshop-september-3-at-12pm-cst/ Or via EventBrite (PayPal)https://www.eventbrite.com/e/safety-from-narcissist-abuse-combatting-harassment-stalking-monitoring-tickets-405016333757?discount=SAFE
- Tuesday, Sept. 6 – Clubhouse – Combatting loneliness during & after narcissist abuse – Narcissist abuse leaves you feeling alone & sometimes lonely. This is exactly what narcissists want. Whether a parental, child or a relationship. What are the internal steps you can take? Let’s discuss. – https://www.clubhouse.com/join/narcissist-abuse-hea/Pz0vK6kY/xoNoqBzl?utm_medium=ch_invite&utm_campaign=KzfHcTKwHrfwiLQzYRrq-w-291936
- Saturday, Sept. 10 – YouTube Livestream – The Narcissists Tactics: The Devil’s Toolbox of Demonic Deception & Distraction! 1pm CST – https://youtu.be/OJRaO_hJXkw
- Sept. 22-Nov 10 – Chain Breaker University – CBU Fall Session – Weekly – Thursdays at 6pm CST – The Fall 8-week session begins September 22, meeting weekly on Thursdays. – https://narcfreeliving.com/fall-semester-chain-breaker-university-cbu-registration-now-open/
- Registration for virtual workshops event are all on the front page of the website or you can navigate to ‘Shop’ on the side or top navigation menu, depending on your web browser.
- Want to stay in the loop? Stay in the Narc Free Living Chain Breaking LOOP! Receive weekly encouragement, prayer, upcoming events, survivor support groups, and recaps of social-media sessions are delivered right to your inbox! https://forms.gle/nW9zay5g1pyfybyJA
Questions? Email support@narcfreeliving.com.
Narcissists, Debts, & Financial Abuse: How Narcissists Use Money To Keep You Trapped!
Join me LIVE on YouTube TUESDAY, August 23 at 7pm CST! Let’s discuss narcissists and money. Set your reminder by clicking on the video below. Make sure you are subscribed. Hit the bell so you don’t miss these deliverance exhortations!
Narcissists and financial abuse go hand in hand. They are horrible with money & love using other people’s money to control and dominate their targets.
Some are lazy and use their targets for a place to live (hobosexual). They don’t mind their partners & spouses doing all the work & paying the bills while they do little to nothing.
Some use money & gender roles to keep their targets barefoot, pregnant, or without financial resources.
Narcissistic parents use money as a way to keep their children under their parental control even as they grow older.
So-called friends leave their “friends” high and dry, leaving them to foot dinner bills, vacays, & brunches.
Whatever the situation or the narcissist in the middle, they use money as a way to maintain control, appearances, and their well-crafted facades.
A Few Signs of Financial Abuse
Preventing their target from having access to bank accounts even if it’s your money.
Only allowing you to spend from an allowance.
Monitoring closely how you spend money and deciding what can or cannot buy, even for personal hygiene items.
Stealing your money or using your savings without your permission.
Misusing and misappropriating your money.
Refusing to contribute to shared expenses such as rent, food, childcare, etc.
Join the conversation for more signs and how to overcome in Christ!
Let’s break those chains.
- Group Coaching, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Soul Ties, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Fall Semester: Chain Breaker University (CBU) Registration NOW OPEN!
Did you miss the summer semester of CBU? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you feel stagnant and overwhelmed? Are you ready to regain your life back? Well, you don’t want to miss CBU this time! It’s time to break the chains of narcissist abuse!
Check these links below to see what our Chain Breaker Queens had to say!
“Being able to hear the ladies’ stories was so touching and enlightening. I love the vulnerability the ladies are displaying and it reminds me it’s ok and I’m in a safe place.” – Chain Breaker S. L.
“I can’t get over how much I love CBU already!!! Can’t wait for next week!!!” Chain Breaker T. B.
“Watched the replay this week and the anointing that dropped into the session was tangible for sure. It can only get better from here!!” Chain Breaker S. B.
Register here! https://narcfreeliving.com/product/the-chain-breaker-group-coaching-program-sign-up-today/
Don’t forget there is a CBU virtual Q&A interest session on Thursday, September 1st, from 6:30-7:30pm CST! If you have questions about the program, join Shannon & other Chain Breaker Queens so we can answer your questions live on Zoom!
You can also register by sending an email titled “Q&A” to support@narcfreeliving.com.
- Chain Breaker University, Group Coaching, Monitoring spirits, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Join the Chain Breaker Group Coaching Program Q&A Interest Session!
Ready to break the chains of narcissist abuse? Are you thinking of joining the Chain Breaker University Coaching program? Do you have questions before joining?
This virtual Q&A interest session is just for you. Join Shannon and other CBU graduates for a Q&A session on Thursday, September 1, from 6:30pm-7:30pm Central Standard Time (CST).
Register today here or send an email titled “Q&A” to support@narcfreeliving.com. You’ll be registered and have the Zoom log-in information to access the call! Chain Breaker University Q&A
This is a one-time Q&A session for SERIOUS inquiries. This is for those interested in attending CBU who have questions prior to signing up or deciding if this course is the right fit for you! CBU graduates will also be in attendance to answer your questions. The session will be conducted via Zoom. If you cannot attend if you register, you can email your question and can receive the recorded session with your question(s) answered.
- Conferences, Group Coaching, Monitoring spirits, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Workshop
Safety From Narcissist Abuse Workshop! Combatting Harassment, Stalking, & Monitoring!
Narcissists use a bevy of tools to wear their targets down. Harassment, hoovering, monitoring, cyber stalking, and targeting individuals are a few of their tactics.
Register today for the Safety From Narcissist Abuse Workshop on September 3 at 12 pm CST. This virtual workshop features an all-Army veteran panel of Safety and Information Technology professionals and ministers of the Gospel! Kings & Queens, join us!
Update: You can now sign up via this website at this link. You will be able to use alternative payment methods other than PayPal at this link: https://narcfreeliving.com/product/safety-after-abuse-workshop-september-3-at-12pm-cst/
Or you can use EventBrite (PayPal) to register. Register here: Workshop Registration Link
Use discount code SAFE for the first 3 days of registration!
This virtual workshop is for you if:
*You are a survivor of narcissist abuse.
*You are planning to leave or have left a narcissist.
*You want to learn more about restraining orders, personal safety, monitoring spirits, preventative measures, information technology overview, and armoring up against abuse.
*You want to connect with other survivors in a safe space.
Shannon Savoy, Host | Monitoring spirits & restraining orders
Solomon Savoy | Personal safety & safety plan
Ina Johnso
n-Myers | Cyber security & narcissist abuse
Maurice Horstead | Information Technology (IT) security and risk mitigation
This workshop discusses:
-Personal safety and equipping
-Stalking and harassment
-What are cyber attacks?
-Armoring up against monitoring spirits & being a targeted individual
-Cyber security
-Information Technology (IT) hacking overview
-IT risk management
-Tools, tactics, & techniques
Questions? Email support@narcfreeliving.com
- Chain Breaker University, Clubhouse, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Chain Breaker News! August 15, 2022
Hot off the press! Check out this week’s Chain Breaker News! Chain Breaker News HERE!
This newsletter includes:
- CBU Queen Sharlyne Rogers
- Narcissists & Social Media: It Goes Down In The DM’s (Saturday, August 20 at 1pm CST)
- Want to nominate another Chain Breaker? https://www.jotform.com/222175712223144
- Narcissists & YOUR Safety (Saturday, September 3, 2022) Stay tuned and connected for more information! This workshop will include preventative safety measures, helpful tips about information technology, digital abuse, cyberstalking, targeted individuals, monitoring spirits, & more!
- Clubhouse Tuesday, August 16, 7pm CST – All Hell Will Break Loose When YOU Leave The Narcissist! What you can do about it! https://www.clubhouse.com/event/M1ejrwqQ?utm_medium=ch_event&utm_campaign=KzfHcTKwHrfwiLQzYRrq-w-322403
- Why Narcissists Make YOU Sick!
- Faith Base Work Place & I discuss Dating After Narcissist Abuse!
Follow up with Sharlyne here! https://www.takeupthysword.com/
Narcissists & Social Media: It Goes DOWN In The DM’s!
Join other survivors as we discuss our experiences with narcissists and social media. Set your reminder here!
Familiar & monitoring spirits do not work alone. Demonic forces work in tandem with other spirits and groupings to seduce, entrap, and entice their targets.
Join the YouTube live stream Saturday, August 20 at 1 pm CST.
I’ll break down:
*How narcissists use their online presence to entrap
*What are the dangers of social media?
*The Do’s and Don’ts of the DM!
*The DM Commandments
*Why we must use caution on Clubhouse, YouTube & other social media platforms in the Body!
*Why do some narcissists love social media?
*How do false prophets use social media?
*How do you protect yourself from online predators?
*The Power of the Paraclete in Spiritual ICU!
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles o of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.…2 Corinthians 11:13-15
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
Ready to break the chains of narcissist abuse? Are you experiencing demonic attacks? Let’s break those chains. Schedule a call today! Go here to learn more: https://narcfreeliving.com/services/
Have a question? Check out FAQS: https://narcfreeliving.com/frequently-asked-questions/
Not ready to schedule a 1:1 or have a question about narcissist abuse, mentorship, or career? Ask your question and receive a personalized, tailored response just for you! Visit https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoy