• Soul Ties

    Unhealthy Soul Ties: Narcissists Pretend To Be Soulmates!

    You’re my SOULMATE!

    Oh, my dear…if we had $1 for every narcissist that says, “You are my soulmate,” we’d be very wealthy people.

    In the idealization phase, the narcissist lays it on THICK. To someone who is emotionally starved, love-bombing looks like, well, love. It is anything but.

    Yes, narcissists have many “soulmates.”

    No, you are absolutely not the only one who tried to “help” them be a “better” person.

    No, you do not owe it to them or anyone else to be a rehab center for a narcissistic, selfish, inherently evil person.

    No, regardless of whether you stay or go, they will not change.

    Yes, they lie & say no one else stayed & neither will you. (Insert eye roll & violin here.) 🙄😴

    Yes, they will always find another “soulmate.”

    Soulmates to narcissists are like buses. Miss one? In 15 minutes another one is coming. This is not a soulmate. This is a deathtrap. Sever the soul tie so you can be free.

    Narcissists specialize in creating soul ties through emotional manipulation, manipulation, deception, and trauma bonding. They appeal to empath’s emotions to lure you in with future faking, validation and pretending to be the hero.

    What is an Ungodly Soul Tie?

    “If you’ve ever felt controlled, manipulated, or dominated, or frustrated by memories of a previous relationship, you’re probably dealing with an ungodly soul tie. Ungodly soul ties are counterfeit to God’s plan and are enforced by demons meant to enslave us. (1 Cor. 6:16) When we step outside of God’s boundaries for relationships we can form an ungodly soul tie.”

    Relationships that seek to dominate, control, deceive, destroy, manipulate are ungodly soul ties.

    Relationships with narcissists = ungodly soul ties

    Ungodly (unhealthy) soul ties lead to idolatry, codependency, & usurping God’s authority & plan for your life.

    Codependency is an excessive reliance on other people for approval and a sense of identity. You are already validated in the Kingdom of Heaven!

    Let’s break those chains. ⛓

    Have you broken the soul tie?

    ✅For abuse recovery resources visit: https://lnkd.in/eQKvHxH

    ✅Have a question about narcissist abuse? https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoy

  • Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Uncategorized

    Have A Question? Ask Me On Wisio!

    Do you have a question about narcissist abuse? 

    Do you believe you are with a narcissist?

    Would you like an answer specifically for you and your situation?

    This service is designed for those who may be not ready for one-on-one coaching and would like a response to a burning question. 

    There are several choices to choose from:

    Kings Speaks Q & A

    This service is specifically for my brothers! Do you have a question? Is something on your mind that you need assistance with or would like a woman’s perspective on?

    Help Me!

    Do you need help getting out of a narcissist relationship of any kind? You may already discern that you are dealing with a narcissist. Let me know the details about your situation.

    You’ll receive a personalized video response along with guidance on where to start. I’ll explain what to expect and more importantly how to break – and stay narc free.

    Are you feeling weak? Need support?

    Now that you understand what you’re dealing with, before we can do anything about it, we need to understand what it is that is really holding you back.

    Please share with me, honestly, what you think it is, and I’ll send you back a personalized video with how to address those weaknesses.

    Healing Q & A

    We are healing at different paces. Each journey is uniquely designed.

    Are you in the midst of your healing journey? Feeling triggered? Received a hoover? Feeling stuck?

    Share where you are and I’ll send a video response back to you.

    Mentorship Q & A

    Sometimes we need help and don’t know where to turn.

    Do you have a question about womanhood, life in general, or do you need advice? Ask anything and receive a response.

    Disclaimer: This is not to diagnose or take the place of a mental health professional. I do not diagnose but I do discern! 

    Sign up today!



  • Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Spiritual Warfare

    Thanksgiving Day Support Call

    Are you in contact with your narcissistic family but wondering how to get through the holiday season? 

    Wondering how to handle the holiday hoover?

    Need a safe space or prayer?

    Is this your first holiday season without the narcissist?

    Schedule your support call today!

    This call is a supportive call directed by you! Let’s talk about whatever is bothering you! Together WE can get through the holidays!

    Calls are conducted via Zoom or telephone, whichever is comfortable for you!

    You will be sent an appointment confirmation & Zoom link via email within 24-48 hours dependent on when you book!

    Please ensure you provide an email address that you have access to. Thank you!



    https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC or https://linktr.ee/Narcfreelivingllc

    Go to Book Appointment >Services > Select the service you desire

    Let’s break those chains!

    Schedule your time today!!

  • Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Spiritual Warfare,  YouTube

    Narcissistic Witch, Wolf, or Warrior? Which Are You?

    Let’s discuss going from Wounded Warriors To General Jehu’s!

    Let’s examine:

    *Jezebel’s background & role in the church

    *Why this spirit comes after the true prophets

    *Why abuse is not properly addressed in the 4-wall church.

    *False prophets who prey on unsuspecting victims

    *How to avoid cults & a preying “profit”

    *Who was General Jehu?

    *The Jehu & Elijah anointing

    *How to become an effective warrior!

    Watch the replay!

    Let’s break some chains. ⛓⚔️👊🏽

  • Uncategorized

    Join The Narcissist Abuse Healing Club!

    Blessings & Blessings: How To Keep Your Sanity This Season!

    Date & Time: Tuesday, November 23rd, 7pm CST.

    Are you dreading the holiday season? Feeling alone?

    🙄 Love the season but not the drama?

    🤔 Thinking about how you will maintain no contact?

    😩 In contact but wondering how to handle toxic family?

    😤 Wondering how to handle the holiday hoover?

    💜 Ready to share your experience or just listen to other survivors?

    Join us in a supportive safe space on Clubhouse!

    Are you looking for a support group of Christ-following survivors to be a part of your A-Team?

    There’s no sweeping abuse under the rug or spiritually bypassing here. We get to the root.

    The Narcissist Abuse Healing Club is here for you. Don’t go at it alone.

    Download the Clubhouse audio-only app on the iOS or Android app store today.

    Link: https://www.clubhouse.com/event/m2gDQR1P

  • Uncategorized

    Beyond The Trauma Conference 2021!

    Join the Beyond The Trauma Conference November 15-17! The link is below to register & tune in.
    If you are a survivor of abuse & would like resources & actionable steps on leaving an abuser or just to learn more, this conference is for you. 💜
    If you are a coach, therapist, or advocate and would to network with other advocates for additional resources for your clients, this is a great resource for you.
    To register & find more information, please go here:
    Thank you to warrior advocate Ms. Dorothea Thea Robinson for putting on this conference!
    Transforming women victims to survivors to Advocates to thrive in the advocacy!
    Thank you Chain Breakers! Let’s continue to break those chains!
  • Uncategorized

    The Cost Of Being A Ride Or Die To A Dusty Loser!

    “You Shall Not Make for Yourself an Idol” (Exodus 20:4)

    Do you find yourself making your relationships idols?

    What happens when you depend on a man or woman for your happiness?

    An idol is anything that takes the place of God in our hearts and lives. Idols are destructive because they lure us away from God and even from people, but idols aren’t always obvious and evil. We can make idols out of anything in life, even the good things.

    Let’s examine the Daddy’s Cult that is trending, the show “For My Man”, and a few examples of when a relationship becomes an idol and the cost of being a ride or die to a dusty narcissistic loser!

    There is always a sacrifice and a contract involved. Most people do not read the fine print.

    Let’s discuss:

    • Derrick Jaxn & his wife Da’Naia Jackson
    • Aja Doucette – The Bullets on Bourban Street on the epidosde FOR MY MAN: Bullets on Bourbon Street (Aja Doucette)
    • NBA player Lorenzen Wright & Sherra Wright
    • Nova Henry & Ava Henry-Curry (Frederick Goings); NBA player Eddy Curry’s ex-girlfriend
    • Daddy’s Girl Cult; video courtesy of IAmJoeStone

    Psalm 96:4-9

    For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised;

    He is to be feared above all gods.

    For all the gods of the peoples are idols,

    But the Lord made the heavens.

    Splendor and majesty are before Him,

    Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.

    Idols grieve God’s heart. Put God in His rightful place and everything falls into place!

    Let’s get into it, Chain Breakers!

  • Articles,  Narcissist Abuse,  Spiritual Warfare

    Strategies To Defeat The Narcissist!


    Let’s discuss ways to defeat the narcissist!

    Understand that we are playing on the enemy’s turf.

    1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

    The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. – Exodus 15:3 NIV

    The Word says that the Lord is a warrior, and this means that He is the one who gives warriors the strategies to win in battle.

    What does that make us?!


    Understand that you have an opponent

    Failure to see the narcissist for who and what they are keeps YOU at a great disadvantage.

    You cannot be in a war and not armor up.

    This is how Jezebel works: Jezebel will always come after the true prophet. She uses the Delilah spirit to charm and disarm, to learn your strengths and weaknesses. They get next to you and learn all about you only to use it against you in the spiritual realm. They work in the spiritual realm the entire time and you are working in the natural. They attempt to drive you to the brink of insanity, through witchcraft, seduction, manipulation, deception, confusion, pretension, Python, Leviathan, & many demonic spirits.

    Understand that you have the authority in Christ.

    Watch this video to understand how we armor up!

  • Uncategorized

    Rock Your Crown IV! Sign up now!

    Rock Your Crown IV

    We’re back ladies! We are back rocking our crowns & taking back from the fragmented pieces of our lives after narcissist abuse.

    This is a for sisters-only event. Join us as we come together to share, grow, & learn together in a safe & healing space.

    This forum is for all ages of women regardless of your situation! Come get your breakthrough!

    Topic: Being About Your Business After Narcissist Abuse

    Date: Tuesday, September 28th

    Time: 7pm – 10pm CST

    You must register to attend!

    Rock Your Crown IV | September 28th | 7pm CST – 10pm CST via Zoom

    • Share your story or testimony
    • Business plans & ideas
    • You’ll hear from women actors, entrepreneurs, businesswomen, podcasters, speakers, etc!

    Are you ready to go to the next level?

    Are you ready for a breakthrough?

    Do you have a business or ministry idea, but not sure where to begin?

    Are you ready to break free?

    Have questions about narcissist abuse?🤔

    Do you need prayer about a situation? 🛐

    Are you on the lives on YouTube but don’t feel comfortable asking questions in the chat? 🙈

    Want a loving support group for overcomers of narcissist abuse? ❤️‍🩹

    Still in contact with the narcissist? ⚠️

    Logging on from a LAPTOP OR DESKTOP IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Please log in a few minutes or test your internet connection prior to start time. See you there!

    Let’s break those chains together! ♥️


  • YouTube

    Narcissists: The Devil In Disguise

    Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NASB)

    1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

    In this video, we discuss the movie Split and how the characters relate to narcissists. In addition, I break down the following:

    * What are the characteristics of Yahweh?


    * What are the characteristics of Satan?


    * What does God’s Word say?


    * What are the characteristics of narcissists?


    * How do we discern? Let’s get into it, Chain Breakers!

    Narcissists are Satan’s low & high-level gatekeepers. They are workers of iniquity. Narcissists have been recruited by Satan and unfortunately, they accept their assignment.

    It is a mutually beneficial relationship – but one that works out very poorly in the end for the narcissist. Narcissists are like zombies on the inside but they have shapeshifting capabilities.

    There are so many demons in them, however, one is dominant. One is a strongman spirit that controls the rest. They change their personality or demon, depending on who they are around and what they need to accomplish at the moment.

    They benefit from the demon because the demons empower them. They love the control. They are in agreement with the demons.

    The narcissist’s true self is long gone. They have essentially killed their true self off. They view their true self as: Wounded. Vulnerable. Weak. Traumatized. And this is how they view you.

    The false self is empowered by the personalities created or demons. The false self is the egotistical, unempathetic, selfish, but seemingly caring on the outside.

    I have always wondered how they compartmentalized so well. They have extraordinary recall abilities. They remember things in the heat of a disagreement that in ways that normal ppl do not recollect. This is with the help of their demons.

    A narcissist is truly Satan personified in human flesh. If you dance with the devil it doesn’t change the devil, it changes YOU.

    Gladly, the Holy Spirit empowers us to be able to break the chains of Satan’s and his demonic forces!