• Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissistic Family

    Do you know the signs of a narcissistic mother?

    A narcissistic parent grooms their child for a lifetime of psychological & emotional issues that stem from years of conditioning and grooming. Children of narcissistic mothers are gaslit and under the spell of the mother’s charm and web of deceit. They often are in an emotionally incestuous relationship and unhealthily enmeshed, not knowing what’s true and who they are.

    Bear in mind that there’s a difference between narcissistic behavior (which only comes out every now and then) and narcissism, which is a clear pattern of emotional & psychological abuse. In high stress and high conflict situations, we each have an opportunity to be narcissistic to protect ourselves or as defense mechanisms. These are isolated events. However, narcissism is consistent, chronic, and pathological. It follows a distinct pattern.

    Follow Narc Free Living on YouTube, TikTok, and all social media.

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    In need of narcissist recovery coaching and spiritual deliverance counseling?

    BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC


  • Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery

    10 Steps For Surviving A Narcissistic Breakup!

    Watch this video:


    Please understand that there is so much going on mentally, emotionally, physically, psychologically and most of all –  spiritually.

    Spiritually, your soul is being torn and ripped away from the narcissist. You will feel antagonizing pain as the separation occurs.

    Physiologically, your body is coming down from the high levels of serotonin and oxytocin that were produced from being lovebombed and manipulated by a narcissist. It is akin to coming off of drug addiction. You must get through the initial pain for greater gain.

    Emotionally, it is normal to be a wreck as your emotions will be all over the place. You still battle your own self. It is a spiritual and mental battle between your heart and mind. Jeremiah 17:9 declares firmly, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick, who can understand it?”

    Psychologically, your mind is attempting to process what has occurred to you. You cannot wrap your mind around how this person studied, mirrored, duped you into believing their false person.

    You may have falsely believed that God is going to miraculously save YOUR narcissist. Yes, God is omnipresent and omnipotent! He can absolutely do anything! But He is not in witchcraft and fooling people into salvation and being set free from demons. Those who are delivered must WANT deliverance. And narcissists, especially those in church, confess Christ with their mouths, but their hearts are far removed from Him. Do not believe words, believe ACTIONS.

    They “suppress the truth by their wickedness.” It is against these people that the wrath of God occurs (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means “unapproved, refused; by implication, worthless.”

    Romans 1:28, “And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.”

    Psalm 119:115, “Depart from me, ye evildoers: for I will keep the commandments of my God.”


  • Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery

    Clubhouse Notes: March 9th

    Abuse is not only physical. Abuse can be emotional, verbal,  sexual,  emotional, sexual, financial, & spiritual as well. Emotional abuse just does as much damage internally as physical abuse.


    • Protect yourself at all costs – begin to see yourself as an overcomer. This is how God sees you.
    • Love is not abuse and love & abuse do not coexist.
    • When you operate in a self-love deficit or have been groomed to have a high tolerance for abuse, you may gaslight yourself and fall prey to a narcissistic predator.

    Narcissists lovebomb their prey so that when the mask slips, the victim feels that they are in too deep & work to “help” the narcissistic predator.

    • The narcissist does not want your help. Narcissists feel empowered by their false selves. The inner child is inside, but they have essentially killed off that person because they truly view themselves as weak. The demons inside of them reign and rule & provide them the voice they feel they need.


    • They are highly insecure and jealous of others. They are attracted to unhealed empaths, as empaths are unaware of their true power, light, and strength. Narcissists feed and siphon the empaths spirit by creating an ungodly soul tie and through witchcraft.


    • They will likely never repent and submit to God’s true authority. This means even if they are aware that they are narcissists, eventually, they will revert back to their demonic nature of lying, scheming, and controlling others through deception.


    • Narcissists need supply and attention like we need air. They are empty voids of vapid nothingness. The only way they feel alive and empowered is when they are causing chaos and destruction in the lives of others.
    • Forgiving narcissists does not mean that you have to rebuild the relationship. You can love from a distance, regardless of who it is. (Relatives included.) The bible instructs us time and time again to get away from evildoers. “Depart from me, ye evildoers: for I will keep the commandments of my God.” Psalm 119:115

    Key takeaways

    1. You are worthy of true love and setting boundaries for yourself and others. Set boundaries and work on not being afraid of other people rejecting, misunderstanding, or not liking you.
    2. No Contact is not the silent treatment! No Contact is implemented to protect yourself spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically.
    3. Build your A-Team! Surround yourself with your tribe of supporters. Not everyone will understand what you are going through.
    4. Expect extreme backlash, because you have caused ego injury and the narcissist must now destroy you. They will pay you back for your love and kindness in the form of passive-aggressiveness, blatant character assassination, & a smear campaign (at the very least.)

    5. Understand that you are wrestling with demons. You are not interacting with a normal, rational person. Keep this at the forefront of your mind.
    6. Be kind to yourself; if you fall down 9 times get up ten. You are a warrior!
    7. Remember, now your life is switching from focusing on the narcissist to focusing on you.
    8. As much as possible, do not react to the narcissist. Grey Rock is your friend. Keep in mind they are going to say and do whatever it takes to get under your skin. They are going to go low & hit below the belt. EXPECT IT when engaging a narcissistic person.
    9. Whenever you are face to face with a narcissist, find an escape route.  Narcissists do not respond kindly to ego injuries and the harm that follows, are meant to hurt the target — you!
    10. Find a therapist who specializes or understands narcissist abuse.
    11. If you need legal counsel, ensure you try to find an attorney who specializes in resolving high-conflict cases.
    12. When in therapy, get to the root & discuss your trauma, childhood, codependency, and self-love deficit
    13. Find the tribe that helps you in self-protection and personal, emotional, & psychological recovery.
    14. When you find yourself remembering only the good times and missing the narcissistic demon, understand that you are more afraid of rejection & being alone/lonely versus being hurt again.
    15. The more you heal, the more you protect yourself, the more you self-soothe, and not turn to destructive behaviors, the more you enforce boundaries, the more you show yourself & the world that you are protecting & preserving yourself just as Christ did.


    Why Does He Do That? By Lundy Bancroft

    Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters – A Guide For Separation, Liberation, & Inspiration by Karen C.L. Anderson

    Deliverance & Spiritual Warfare by John Eckhardt

    Women’s Daily Declarations For Spiritual Warfare by John Eckhardt

    Pigs In The Parlor by Frank & Ida Mae Hammond

    Spiritual Warfare Strongman’s His Name…What’s His Game? by Drs. Jerry & Carol Robeson

    Jezebellion The Warrior’s Guide To Identifying the Jezebel Spirit by Tiffany Buckner

    For additional helpful content, please subscribe to the Narc Free Living Youtube channel and watch the video on Spiritual Warfare.  https://youtu.be/UcYR2XaP9ZQ


  • Narcissist Abuse Recovery

    Narcissist Abuse, Discovery, & Recovery – Part III: Isolation & Desperation

    This week Solomon and I are discussing the Stages of Narcissist Abuse, Discovery, & Recovery.

    Part III: Isolation & Desperation In Part III of the series, we discuss the events surrounding:

    * The Wilderness

    * You Against The World

    * The Desperation

    * The Flying Monkeys & Enablers During the Isolation

    * How To Navigate The Smear Campaign

    * The Hoover During This Phase

    Air Date: Sunday, Feb. 21st (7pm CST | 8pm EST | 6pm PST |5pm MST)

    Where: YouTube Live Follow Narc Free Living on YouTube, TikTok, and all social media.

    Don’t forget to like, share, & subscribe! In need of narcissist recovery coaching and spiritual deliverance counseling?

    BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC W E B S I T E: www.narcfreeliving.com

    Y O U T U B E: https://youtube.com/channel/UCwnS35mcR_5MMVTXncRbAbg

    T W I T T E R: Narc Free Living @narc_free URL: https://twitter.com/free_narc

    F A C E B O O K: @narcfreelivingllc URL: https://www.facebook.com/narcfreelivingllc/

    I N S T A G R A M: @narcfreelivingllc URL: https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/

  • Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Narcissistic Family

    Narcissistic Relatives VS. Family: Do You Know The Difference?

    Many people make the mistake of believing relatives are their family. In narcissistic “families” there is a lot of secrecy, enabling, and covering up one another’s lies. The family is actually in enmeshment but it is packaged as “closeness.”

    In enmeshed & narcissistic families, the boundary lines are blurred and there is a lack of healthy emotions between its members. They are bonded by trauma and ungodly soul ties.

    To break free from an enmeshed family, you must first recognize and acknowledge the signs and trauma. The next step is to break the soul tie in the spirit.

    God will remove relatives & fake “friends” so they cannot take credit for what He is doing in your life.

    Your tribe & your true family understand your journey. Always remember, family is who you make it.

    Don’t worry, God WILL send you your tribe.

    Shine on, Chainbreakers! Let’s keep grinding & keep shining!

    Subscribe to the new Narc Free Living YouTube channel and follow us on TikTok, IG, Facebook, Linked In, & Twitter.

    Watch this video to learn the difference between the narcissistic relatives versus your true God-sent family!

  • Narcissist Abuse

    The Narcissist’s Dream Team

    Are you on the Narcissist’s Dream Team roster?

    Narcissists have what I dubbed the “Narcissist’s Dream Team.” Each person in the narcissist’s circle fulfills a distinct role

    Narcissists seek out those with talents, skills, and specialties that they can manipulate for their benefit. They build a well-calculated team of enablers and supporters.

    Romans 16:17-18 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people.

    The General Managers (GMs) – Narcissistic parents are the GMs of the Narcissist’s Dream Team (NDT). The narcissist was groomed to be a narcissist by the GM(s). They formed the narcissist in their image through entitlement or emotional abuse/neglect.

    The Most Valuable Player  The MVP is the Main Supply of the narcissist. The MVP is the primary enabler or oblivious spouse, partner, friend, family, etc. that provides the resources & upholds the perfect image to the world. This is usually a wounded & unhealed empath who was also groomed by a narcissistic parent(s), unbeknownst and unaware to them.

    ● The Team – The Flying Monkeys do the narcissist’s dirty work. They write emails, sent evil text messages, and run the smear campaign. They uphold the narcissists regardless of what the narcissist does. They support the narcissist and do not hold them accountable for the harm they do to their victims. They do not discern the demonic spirits operating in the narcissists.

    The Bench – The Bench contains the Backup Sources of Supply (side pieces, unsuspecting enablers, family members, friends, etc.). They make excuses for the narcissist and may be unaware to the evil they are supporting. However, most Bench members will continue to look the other way.

    They make statements like, “There are two sides to every story.” (While never attempting to reach out for your side of the story and even if they do, they still believe the lies of the narcissist. The Bench contains Fanboys and Fangirls who cheer on the narcissist from the sidelines.

    ● The Injured Reserve | Inactive List – Consists of the exes, Forever Supply, The “Ones” That Got Away, the people who the narcissist can charm and easily manipulate without much work. Those on the Inactive List are just waiting for a shot to join the team or take the MVP’s spot on the NDT.

    Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

    It’s time to come off the bench Chain Breakers! Let’s break those chains.



  • Uncategorized

    Spiritual Warfare: Can You Fight?

    Let’s discuss how we fight in the spirit for victory over the enemy.

    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

    2 Corinthians 10:4

    Do you know your enemy?

    Have you studied the enemy’s tactics?

    Do you know how to war in the Spirit?

    God has already equipped and empowered us through the Blood of Jesus Christ to pull down strongholds and trample the enemy’s head.

    Follow Narc Free Living on YouTube and all social media.

    Don’t forget to like, share, & subscribe! In need of narcissist recovery coaching and spiritual deliverance counseling?

    BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivi…  


  • Narcissist Abuse,  Spiritual Warfare

    What Are Soul Ties?



    Let’s discuss soul ties….Join me on YouTube on Sundays at 7 pm CST (8 pm EST / 6 pm MST / 5 pm PST)

    Video duration: 17 minutes

    Discussed in the video:

    * What are soul ties?

    * How do I know if I am in a soul tie?

    * What steps do I need to take to be spiritually delivered?

    * How do I maintain my deliverance?

    If you are or have been in a narcissistic relationship, recovering from a toxic relationship of any kind, or have wisdom to share, this is a discussion for you.

    If you are ready to be set free, this is the discussion for you.

    Subscribe to the Narc Free Living YouTube channel. Hit the bell notification to receive alerts for new videos. 🔔

    Let’s break those chains!

    Photo credit: How To Break Demonic Soul Ties

    Uploaded by: Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin, Aug 23, 2016

  • Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Spiritual Warfare



    Society presents an image that all parents are good parents and that all parents love and want the best for their children. Sadly this is not the case. This is not the experience of those with narcissistic families.

    “Well, parents such as this don’t love their children because they don’t truly love God either. These parents have broken the first commandment, and, to their children, that makes them enemies, not parents. And we don’t honor enemies.  We pray for them.(Matthew 5:44) This, therefore, shows that the assumption made in the commandment about honoring parents is that fathers and mothers love God, are living holy lives, and care for their children, and want their good. So what happens when parents don’t really want the good of their children? What happens when parents constantly criticize their children, abuse them, and essentially stifle any good that the children could achieve? “- Dr. Raymond Richmond

    Ungodly Soul Ties & Generational Curses in Families

    Some parents want to be worshipped and to control their children. They make their children indebted to them for life. This is an ungodly soul tie. God tells us to honor our fathers and mothers so that we learn from their wisdom. Parents are supposed to be a representation of God’s unconditional love. Enabling and keeping ties with demonically influenced people is not honoring them. It is enabling them.

    Toxic parents & families use the command to honor them as a cover to perpetrate evil and abuse.

    Parents are not gods. They should not be worshipped. Narcissistic families are ruled by the Jezebel spirit, seeking to control, dominate, and usurp God’s authority and plans.

    How do you honor your parents – by following God and His plan for our lives, it is not permissible for them to do evil and for families to sit quietly and be ok with abuse”

    We are generational curse breakers.

    We honor our parents by discontinuing their toxic cycles and by going no contact with the people who continue in the toxicity & evil doing. Gossipping, pathologically lying, scapegoating, pride & evil-doers are all things that God abhors.

    We forgive them and pray for them from a distance if need be. And as I always say if you are not there yet, seek God. You do not want unforgiveness to keep you yoked to and in bondage unnecessarily.

    Is it not dishonoring your parents or family for telling the truth about abuse.

    Narcissistic families sweep evil and abuse under the rug, and they disassociate the person who speaks up. It is often a cult or mafia-type loyalty. Phrases like, “what happens in the family stay in the family.” “Family over everything.” However, you cannot speak up – even with other family members.

    What are the signs of an abusive and narcissistic family?

    They want to control you.

    They tried to control you through guilt & codependency to make you dependent on them even through adulthood.

    They had a “favorite”, “golden” child, or scapegoat,& invisible child. These roles were interchangeable at any time.

    They guilt you for simply being born. You owe them your life because they were there for you as if you asked to be here. You are taught to always put everyone first above yourself.

    They have a high sense of entitlement & groom you to take care of them as they grow older. (Understand that This is your choice – not your duty, led by the Holy Spirit. – especially if you have a narcissistic family)

    They present a picture-perfect family image to outsiders. Image is everything.

    Family is highly secretive and loyalty is expected. If you disagree or do something that displeases you are met with silent treatment until you get back in line.

    Watch the video for the remainder of the signs.

    Love, friendships, families, work environments, etc., are not about how much abuse you can take.

    How do you know when it’s time to walk away?

    When you are not respected.

    After you laid boundaries & articulated them and they are still not adhered to.

    When you are disrespected, lied on, lied to, manipulated, betrayed with no sincere apology, remorse & no real conversation or changed actions.

    Your issues are invalidated, mocked, & belittled.

    You are gaslit & made to seem like you are “too much”, “crazy”, or a drama king/queen for not enabling abuse.

    ✓ Learn when to throw up your deuces.  Keep your crown held high.

    Family is not a license to abuse.

    Bible scriptures:

    Depart from me, you evildoers, For I will keep the commandments of my God! Psalm 119:115

    Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11

    And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4


    Photo credit:

    Greenleaf: Decider.com

    Mommy Dearest: MovieFone.com

    Follow Narc Free Living on YouTube and all social media.

    Don’t forget to like, share, & subscribe! In need of narcissist recovery coaching and spiritual deliverance counseling?

    BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC

    W E B S I T E: www.narcfreeliving.com

    Y O U T U B E: https://youtube.com/channel/UCwnS35mcR_5MMVTXncRbAbg

    T W I T T E R: Narc Free Living @narc_free URL: https://twitter.com/free_narc

    F A C E B O O K: @narcfreelivingllc URL: https://www.facebook.com/narcfreelivingllc/

    I N S T A G R A M: @narcfreelivingllc URL: https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/


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    I Want To Stay With The Narcissist. Now What?


    Living & being in contact with a narcissist is a choice only the victim can make. This pertains to family, work, friends, & interpersonal relationships. I am here to simply inform you of the life that awaits you should you choose to remain in a narcissistic, abusive relationship of any kind.

    Come to terms with:

    *They will not change. Therapists & psychology cannot counsel or change demons.

    *Narcissists are not loyal to anyone.

    *The narcissist was sent to siphon your purpose in God. (Python spirit)

    *People in your family & social circles will believe the narcissist. They must control how people view you. The more you defend yourself the crazier you appear to those around you. (Jezebel spirit)

    *They have been & will continue to smear your name. The lies will intensify should they feel threatened, rejected, or abandoned. (Leviathan spirit)

    In Christ, there is true freedom. God does not want anyone abused or in bondage.

    Follow Narc Free Living on YouTube and all social media. Don’t forget to like, share, & subscribe! In need of narcissist recovery coaching and spiritual deliverance counseling?

    BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION: https://www.picktime.com/NarcFreeLivingLLC

    W E B S I T E: www.narcfreeliving.com

    Y O U T U B E: https://youtube.com/channel/UCwnS35mcR_5MMVTXncRbAbg

    T W I T T E R: Narc Free Living @narc_free URL: https://twitter.com/free_narc

    F A C E B O O K: @narcfreelivingllc URL: https://www.facebook.com/narcfreelivingllc/

    I N S T A G R A M: @narcfreelivingllc URL: https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/