• Monitoring spirits,  Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Soul Ties,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare

    Narcissists: Copycats, Mirroring, & Mocking Spirits…

    A narcissist simply creates an image based on scanning & assessing who you are, what your desires are, what area you need healing in, and how they can appear to fill that void. It goes beyond inspiration as they say and does things their targets do, similar to a parrot. They are shapeshifters, who mirror and display chameleon-like qualities.
    Narcissists have various faces and masks for the outside world to the public, each one more duplicitous than the last. The goal is to blend in easily to any environment they are a part of. Narcissistic and toxic people do not know themselves, so they mirror, imitate, replicate, & attempt to duplicate others’ personalities & efforts.
    A person mirroring you can never keep up though. 💅🏽 An originator doesn’t keep up with copycats, copycats must keep up with the original. 👑
    Subscribe to the Narc Free Living YouTube channel. Follow on TikTok, FB, & IG. 
    Spiritual Plagiarism: The Copycat & Imitation Spirits | What are the signs of copycat, mirroring, & imitation spirits? What are the signs of a false prophet?

    Narcissists: The Devil’s Advocates 

    Have you experienced mirroring from a narcissist or someone who didn’t know themselves?


  • Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  YouTube

    Some People Don’t Like Warriors – Until It’s Time To Go To WAR!

    Some people don’t like a warrior until it’s time to go to war…⚔️🔥

    In times of peace, the prayer warriors, the true prophets, & the intercessors, are shunned & rejected. Oh, but when the ish hits the fan the naysayers, the bypassers, & the unbelievers will be scrambling & searching for true warriors. Just as it was in the days of Noah…

    Prophets & prophetic warriors:
    Prepare the oil.
    Protect the oil.
    Keep your lamps burning.
    Keep watch.

    When it’s time you will NOT be able to give your oil away. Those who want the oil must seek it NOW while it may yet be found.☝🏾 

    PROGRAMS ARE HERE. Healing ministries are HERE NOW. Those that doubted, jeered, & looked on in disbelief will miss it. Our job is never to convince others. It is to share the Gospel & allow Holy Spirit to convict. Catch it while you can. When the door is closed, it is CLOSED.

    The kingdom of heaven is like this:
    “Ten virgins took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.

    The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

    At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”
    Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.

    The foolish ones said to the wise, “Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.” “No,” they replied, “there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.”

    But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

    Later the others also came. “Lord, Lord,” they said, “open the door for us!” But he replied, “Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.” (Matthew 25.1-13)

    Have a question? Visit https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoyLLC to ask your question and receive a personalized 1:1 response.

    CBU mentorship is all about sisterhood, spiritual warfare, discipleship, holistic healing and full recovery from narcissist abuse. Register today! Sessions begin January 12, 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/

    Narcissistic Witch, Wolf, or Warrior? Which are you? 

    Are Narcissists God’s Children?

  • Group Coaching,  healing from trauma,  Soul Ties,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare

    Narcissists Promise Dreams & Deliver Total Nightmares!

    And delivering total nightmares…

    Sweet dreams are made of these…Not with a narcissist. These are the things LifeTime movies are about. These are future Netflix, Dateline, & 20/20 documentaries in the making.

    Narcissists pull you into Narc Land with your own voids, unhealed trauma, & innermost desires. They sell pipe dreams and deliver gut-wrenching, soul-snatching, heartbreaking nightmares.

    When you get to your breaking point & try to pull away, they future fake you – so you reup on that demonic contract. What’s your fantasy? Marriage, a house, a ring, protection, a family – 2.5 children with a white picket fence, posts for the ‘Gram to prove to your haters you are no longer rejected? Oh, they’ll help you live a lie.

    When you leave or contemplate leaving, then they’ll sweet talk your panties or underwear off with future faking 5.0, promising you hopes of “change”, let’s move here, this time around will be different, let’s go to counseling…(blah, blah, blah). If you are smart you’ll pick up on they are selling you HOPE & everything they would not give in the relationship. This lets you know they knew what to do all along…

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick…Proverbs 13:12 

    CBU mentorship is about sisterhood, spiritual warfare, discipleship, holistic healing, and full recovery from narcissist abuse. Register today! Sessions begin January 12, 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. Here’s the link for more information:

    Don’t forget to subscribe and join me LIVE on Saturdays at 1pm CST! 

    Check out: Narcissistic Marriages: Destiny Unfulfilled & Unholy Matrimony! 

    The Dangers Of Narcissistic Marriages: Destiny Unfulfilled & Unholy Matrimony!

  • Chain Breaker University,  Demonic Spirits,  healing from trauma,  Soul Ties,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  YouTube

    The Sexuality Of The Narcissist!

    Join the live stream Saturday, January 7, at 1 pm CST on the Narc Free Living YouTube Channel! We are going deeper Chain Breakers so that people can be free!

    Let’s discuss:
    -The narcissist’s agenda & assignment
    -The beast system’s goal to break down marriages & the Kingdom family unit
    -How satan entices, entraps, and ensnares
    -Spirit of Baphomet
    -The sexual profile of the narcissist
    How narcissists & our own trauma & desires lead into:
    -Chronic dissatisfaction
    -Alternative lifestyles
    -Transformation in Jehovah
    And more importantly how to break the soul ties, trauma bonds, and be set free in Yahshua!

    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

    Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land falls to whoredom, and the land becomes full of wickedness. (Leviticus 19:29)

    They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:5-6).

    Set your reminder by clicking on the link below:

    Join the live chat and exhortation!

  • Business Owner,  Chain Breaker University,  Glow Up,  Group Coaching,  Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Rest & Recuperation,  Rock Your Crown,  Shabbat Shalom,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  YouTube

    Narc Free Living’s 2022 Open Letter for 2023!

    Regardless of if you pushed through 2022 or made it by the skin of your teeth, YOU made it! My words for 2022 were elevation, intentionality & discipline, & discipleship. 2022 was a year of tremendous growth and advancing the Kingdom of Heaven. My personal phrase this new season is Soft Girl Shannon. You have been introduced to Strong Warrior Shannon. I’m flowing differently in 2023. Don’t wake the warrior. We are always on watch!

    Biblically, we celebrated our new year In September. If you know you know! Following YAH always puts you ahead of the world.

    For those who are ready to shift & align this is a season of:

    • Restoration.
    • Retribution.
    • Restructuring.
    • Righteousness.
    • Obedience.
    • Breakthrough.
    • Breakout.
    • Transformation.
    • Transparency.
    • Changing of the guard.
    • The wealth of the wicked transferred to the righteous.

    What were your words for 2022? How did you do?

    Personally, I overcame a number of challenges & fell back on some. I’ll be revisiting the areas I missed the mark on as I navigate this upcoming season. Fall down? We get up! My words for 2022 were discipline, intentionality, and elevation. I am building on those for 2023! 

    Here are a few Lessons Learned from 2022:

    • Make time for YAH & YOU. I am learning that I cannot pour from an empty cup. Sometimes you have to be selfish regarding yourself and your time. It’s not selfish. It’s self-care. I am resigning as the strong friend! We must prioritize rest, and recuperate so that we can be restored & replenished.
    • Remember we are all overcoming trauma and abuse. Give yourself grace.
    • Progress is better than perfection. It’s not always pretty. If you wait on perfect, you’ll always be waiting.
    • This is my soft girl season. We discussed biblical femininity in CBU fall & summer sessions. It’s crazy how the world has finally caught on! A Proverbs 31 woman, Deborahs, Esthers, – are YAH’s design for women. 
    • Setting boundaries is awesome. Enforcing them is even better! This is a process as we unlearn old techniques to relearn new ones. Let me be transparent…YAH got me together in this area. This is a season of NO for me. A season of LESS IS MORE. I have examined & adjusted my personal & business boundaries to make sure I am in alignment & prepared to shift!

    Click HERE to Read Narc Free Living’s Open Letter, Tips, & Prayer! 

    Coaching Updates for 2023!

     Resource Photos 

  • Chain Breaker University,  Group Coaching,  healing from trauma,  Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Narcissistic Family,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  YouTube

    Coaching Updates for 2023!

    NFL’s coaching & ministry services are done excellence & in order. At this time until further notice, coaching is limited to those currently enrolled in the Chain Breaker University (CBU) Mentorship Program. This is so that we can continue to protect the oil as we help others break chains! Prepare the oil. Protect the oil. Preserve the oil. 

    As of January 2023, coaching and personal responses are limited to those currently enrolled in Breaker University. We want to ensure that mentees that are in CBU have the attention and focus they deserve. We want to continue providing a first-rate experience as we break these chains! 

    1:1 coaching appointments will be announced as they become available. If you are a past client and you are not currently enrolled in CBU, please email & we will try our best to schedule you.

    Accessibility is purposeful, focused, & limited to current mentees. Narc Free Living is not resourced to provide legal, rescue, shelter, & emergency services.

    If it is YAH’s will, then it is HIS bill. Whatsoever Jehovah Jireh creates, sanctions, & ordains HE provides protection, purpose, and provision for. 

    Here’s how to connect:

    Make sure you check our newsletter, YouTube community tab, & website for updates! Don’t forget to Narc Free Living to your address book and check your spam folder!

    W E B S I T E: www.narcfreeliving.com

    Y O U T U B E:  https://youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC

    T I K T O K:  https://www.tiktok.com/@narc_free_living?lang=en

    T W I T T E R: Narc Free Living @narc_free  https://twitter.com/free_narc

    F A C E B O O K: @narcfreelivingllc  https://www.facebook.com/narcfreelivingllc/

    I N S T A G R A M: @narcfreelivingllc  https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/

    L I N K E D I N: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-savoy-cssbb/

    F O L L O W . S H A N N O N O N . C L U B H O U S E: https://www.clubhouse.com/@narcfreeliving


  • Feasts & Celebrations,  Rosh Hashanah,  Shabbat Shalom,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  Workshop

    A New Season of Transparency & Restoration!

    Biblically, we celebrated our new year In September with biblical feasts. If you know you know. Following YAH always puts you ahead of the world.

    For those who are ready to shift & align this is a season of:

    Changing of the guard.
    The wealth of the wicked transferred to the righteous.

    Are you ready to be restored and transformed? Register today for Chain Breaker University Mentorship. Sessions begin January 12, 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/

    What word(s) govern your life for this year? What are your GOD-given decrees and declarations for this season? Stay in tune with YAH in purposeful time, prayer, consecration, and fasting. He will give you words and visions to guide your path. Write the vision and make it plain.

    Spiritual Warfare: Can You Fight?

  • Soul Ties,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare,  Uncategorized

    Don’t Play Yourself Trying To Play A Chain Breaker!

    As Chain Breakers, we mind the business that pays us. Narcissists? Ehhh…not so much. They are accusers of the brethren who go around spreading lies & smearing others’ reputations. Their business is to derail, delay, destroy, discourage, discomfort, distress, discombobulate & discredit YAH’s chosen children.

    The truth is any of us can be fooled temporarily, (especially when you are around a narcissistic chameleon for shorter periods of time), but eventually, our God-given discernment WILL speak & those of us who walk with Him & in wisdom WILL listen, and heed His warnings. Please don’t be too hard on yourself if you were fooled. 

    When you lose a narcissist you really lose nothing in them & gain everything in the Kingdom of Heaven & in YOU (IF you do your inner work.) When they lose you, they lose majorly.

    Narcissists cut off their noses to spite their faces. Meaning they are silly & have such backward thinking they will hurt themselves trying to hurt you.

    Narcissists WILL reap every evil, the demonic seed & every evil deed they have sown one hundredfold. Your job is healing, repentance, breaking generational curses, soul ties, & trauma bonds.

    One thing about it – JEHOVAH NEVER LOSES. Playing a Chain Breaker is detrimental to your health. Don’t play with it.

    Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26:3

    Check out The Narcissist Belongs To Satan’s Kingdom: Earthly vs Heavenly Citizens 

    Where Are The “Nice” Narcissists?

  • healing from trauma,  Monitoring spirits,  Narc Land,  Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Narcissistic Family,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare

    Narcissists & The Octopus Spirit!

    Narcissists know the added benefits of intertwining themselves into your social circles. One way they get to you is through your spouse or significant other. It is important that you two are equally yoked & on the same page when it comes to dealing with spiritual warfare. Narcissists are very strategic; they’ll intentionally & purposely befriend your spouse, partner, friends, and children, in real life & especially on social media, so they can keep tabs on you & your family – anyone they use can to remain hoovering and abusing you by proxy.

    Like a black widow spider 🕷 or an octopus 🐙, narcissistic people know how to get next to people and turn them into loyal, unsuspecting flying monkeys & victims of their schemes. They use their well-crafted network to ease in & out of situations. And before you realize it, a narcissist can take over your own social circle leaving you without a support system which is exactly what they want.

    Ever wonder how they are able to seemingly get out of things? They purposely play on unsuspecting people’s empathy to help them. Everyone that claims to be a victim of narcissistic abuse is not a victim. Some are the perpetrators that find solace, prayer, & empathy in these communities…

    An Octopus spirit is a ruling spirit that is operating in tandem with other sins & strongholds. It works through its tentacles and arms, which are spirits and sins of the flesh. The head is typically a spirit of mind control, religious legalism, double-mindedness, schizophrenia, idolatry, or witchcraft (control). (You are in an idolatrous relationship when you are with a Jezebel spirit-filled narcissist).

    The octopus spirit comes in through witchcraft. It is a strongman spirit of mind control from the marine kingdom and is associated with the squid, mermaid, & Leviathan spirits. Ever wonder why you feel that fogginess, anguish, & confusion during narcissist abuse? That may be a sign of an octopus-like spirit and the ink they release upon their prey.

    Your dream life:
    An octopus seen in a dream can be the image of entanglement, control, envy, jealousy, fear, & shame. It can also depict hidden addiction & codependence on another person or demonic system.

    To combat this spirit you must armor up with YAH’s armor. Repent from all sins and ask God for forgiveness. It is important to truly repent from all sins & the sins of your lineage prior to engaging in spiritual warfare. Put on the full armor so that you can stand righteously. Satan is an accuser of the brethren, who is always looking for loopholes to continue to torment you.

    Watch the video below to learn more and to cancel the assignment of the octopus-like spirit over your life. Remember that you cannot break curses that you are in agreement with. You cannot be untangled with a spirit or person that you secretly want to be in agreement with. You must repent & come out of the agreement and sever the soul tie out loud.

    For more in-depth teaching on this spirit, watch The Octopus Spirit: How The Narcissist Traps You! Narcissists & The Octopus Spirit: An Entanglement From Hell!

    Queens: Ready to learn spiritual warfare, deliverance, & heal from narcissist abuse? Sessions begin Thursday, January 12, 2023. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES),  Chain Breaker University,  Demonic Spirits,  Domestic Abuse,  Group Coaching,  Jezebel Spirit,  Mother-Daughter Wound,  Narcissist Abuse,  Narcissist Abuse Recovery,  Narcissistic Family,  Spiritual Deliverance,  Spiritual Warfare

    Walking Away From A Narcissistic Family System!

    I walked away from a toxic, enmeshed family system.

    This post will either bless you or offend you. I am not here to pacify or coddle. I am here as a survivor, to tell you the truth in love and boldness and to support those that want to break free from demonic oppression. Someone needs this strong word. I pray it blesses and strengthens those who also are called out.

    It was not easy to walk away & it was not without much prayer & a release from The Most High. My story is much like Joseph’s whose own brothers wanted him dead because of the wickedness & jealousy in their hearts.

    Please do not EVER feel sorry for a THRIVER of abuse. We are no one’s victim. We are WARRIORS. ⚔️ Since going no contact, I have FREEDOM that I have never felt. I have Holy Spirit peace that surpasses ALL understanding. The Blood Of Yahshua broke the spiritual grasp of Jezebel, Python, generational curses of lack, sexual immorality, molestation, depression, anxiety, PTSD, & delay. The altars of witchcraft, division, divination, sexual perversion, backwardness, theft, murder, jealousy, etc, were broken off of my life, my husband, & my children’s lives. You see, people who know nothing about the spiritual realm think because I choose to be estranged from a demonic system that something is wrong with me. No, my dear. WE are LIVING. WE ARE FREE.

    You couldn’t pay me Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Rothchild, or Rockefeller dirty money to go back into that devil’s den, especially when Holy Spirit pulled me OUT. Unless YHWH directs me and their spirits have been tested. 

    Let me share a part of my TESTIMONY:

    My life changed for the better AS SOON AS I WENT NO CONTACT. Curses were lifted. Supernatural growth, healing, & transformation happened in my life & marriage. That may not be your experience or testimony but it is MINE. YAH HAD WORK FOR ME TO DO. As soon as I severed the soul ties & did my inner healing things began to SHIFT SUDDENLY IN MY LIFE. My business & ministry were birthed out of my pain. YAH turned my pain into my PURPOSE. I could not speak BOLDLY as long as I was tied to them.

    I went no contact in January or February of 2020 & in March 2020 Narc Free Living LLC was legally formed. Before no contact, I did not dream. I didn’t know what my true calling was. When Holy Spirit took me through deliverance, I repented of my and my ancestor’s sins & idolatry. I renounced generational curses and then I got to WORK. I became certified in narcissistic abuse & trauma recovery. I attended business classes and training (and still do).  I learned from the RUACH spiritual warfare, deliverance, & how to help others be free from demonic systems & oppression. Now I have ideas that flow nonstop, visions, and godly dreams that are much too big for me to handle alone. 

    My tagline is BREAKING THE CHAINS OF ABUSE. Yah was very strategic in my branding, marketing, & business structure.

    I began uploading YouTube videos in late October/November 2020 only because my husband advised me to. I never ever wanted a public platform. I was comfortable playing the back. YAH obviously had other plans. I started with one follower, again, my husband. 🫶🏾 The power of a Kingdom marriage is unmatched. This business & ministry has taken off ever since. As of this writing, Narc Free Living LLC has become a global ministry with coaching clients from all over the world. 

    In July 2022, Holy Spirit formulated Chain Breaker University to help other women who were tired of being sick and tired. Women who are ready to break every chain of generational trauma. In January 2023, the mentorship program will commence & I’ll help other women give BIRTH. BIRTH to their new lives. BIRTH to their new businesses & ministries. REBIRTH of their inner child. BIRTH to their new spiritual family. It’s BIRTHING SEASON.

    Feel sorry for a THRIVER? No, my dear, I feel sorry for those who stay. I feel sorry for those who do not believe there is life beyond abuse or outside of their relatives, and community. WE are walking testimonies of what God’s glory looks like when you walk in OBEDIENCE & place trust in HIM completely.

    The truly sad part is that this world & family is temporal. The sad part to me is being emotionally, psychologically, physiologically, spiritually, sexually, and sometimes physically abused by “family” & feeling guilt, shame, & condemnation for going no contact with people that cannot truly love me?!

    Most don’t understand that physically leaving a narcissist is ONE link in their chain. You must go through SPIRITUAL ICU to truly be free. That is what my coaching programs, Rock Your Crown events, services, workshops, and coaching sessions are all about. This is so not about the narcissist. But unfortunately, a vast majority of victims, stay stagnant & stuck, learning about the five ways and ten signs of the narcissist but failing to go beyond that.

    Feel sorry for us? For coming out of this world? Out of biological families to be given spiritual families? For coming out of Babylon with people who willingly choose to play the harlot & drink from the cup of the whore? For coming out of Idolatry & enmeshment with “family”? For coming out of people who never protected us from narcissistic abuse? No.

    Nahhh, fam, do not EVER feel sorry for me or anyone that comes out of a narcissistic “family”. Some people are relatives, related by biology 🧬 & DNA. But you see Chain Breaker, our DNA has been changed! We have been made new. We have been made over by the Blood and sharing of my testimony! The good news is that YOU can too.

    And while we are on the subject, here are a few tips should you encounter someone like me or a Chain Breaker who has finally broken the chains of a toxic family system:

    • Please do not say:
      Well, that’s still your father/mother.
      (We know that and are well aware of that fact. 😑)
    • Honor your father & mother
      (without quoting, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” My biological parents were simply the vessels to get me here. I honor them by living for GOD. I honor my mother for taking me to church. That laid an important foundation. Yah uses all things for HIS GLORY & PURPOSES.
    • You can miss me with applying scripture to people who don’t live by it. 💅🏽 I am far from a baby Believer. That won’t guilt trip you are trying to take me on work on me.)
    • Family over everything!
      (No, YHWH over everything!)
    • It’s two sides to every story!
      🫠 (Just go on over there 👉🏾 and STAY there)
    • Why don’t you try talking to THEM?
      (No one in their right mind that has spoken & dealt with a narcissist would say this to a victim of narcissist abuse. They have ALREADY tried a zillion times. We know full well about gaslighting, word salad, them playing the victim (I did the best I could! 😏), circular conversations that lead nowhere, & guilting. DO YOU?
    • Why are you talking about this NOW?! 🤡 It’s been YEARS since that happened!
      (If you choose to speak publicly about private abuse, trust and believe the victim has TRIED EVERYTHING THEY KNOW POSSIBLY TO DO! Narcissists ONLY respond to abuse when their image or livelihood is threatened. And it takes YEARS for a survivor TO PROCESS EMOTIONS AND COME TO THE REALIZATION THAT WE WERE ABUSED!)
    • Well, they were abused too!
      We have compassion & empathy which is part of why most of us stayed so long. So do not try to guilt or shame or bring up their abuse as a pity ploy. We were abused as well & somehow we didn’t turn into demonic clowns that go around tormenting & manipulating people who love us for sh!ts & giggles. We are not rehab centers for broken people. We are no longer on the Suicide Squad! On a suicide mission straight from the pits of devil hell. Miss me with that.
    • But your children won’t be around their grandparents!
      (Narcissists operate in the spirit of Jezebel (witchcraft, control, fakery, foolishness, buffoonery, all about image, gossip, manipulation, sweeping all issues under the rug, protecting pedos, etc). Curses have been BROKEN off of my children & bloodline because I am a CHAIN BREAKER. Ain’t no cowardice in me. THIS WALK IS FAITH OVER FEELINGS). My children have a real family. Keep taking your children around people who operate in the spirit of Jezebel & they will turn your children against you. They will place spells of rebellion, sexual immorality, mental illness, suicidal ideations, etc. over your children. Play with it if you want to…as for me & my house…)
    • Why don’t you just forgive & let it GO?
      (How about I end this conversation with you right now so you can GO out of my face? How’s that?) Contrary to the Narcissistic Family By-Laws forgiveness does not require reconciliation. I CHOOSE to protect my inner child from those with a PROVEN history of pedophilia, sexual, emotional, & psychological abuse. I operate high & in WISDOM & that dear, is stupidity. Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me. And shame is a place I no longer RESIDE. I NO LONGER BETRAY MYSELF FOR A RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS. You can miss them & even remember the “good” times without acting on FEELINGS. My feelings do not control me.
    • I forgive you..but stay away from me though.🤸🏽‍♀️Unforgiveness is a blessing blocker. I’m not blocking my blessings for ANYONE. I release anyone that has hurt me. I ask for forgiveness for those I have hurt. If I don’t forgive, it acts as a lay line & a soul-tie connection. I sever all soul ties, trauma bonds, & all family altars. I am Free. My life bears the fruit of a FREE WOMAN.
    • Your family seems so…perfect. I don’t think they would do that!
    • (I agree. They sure do. Most narcissists do. Narcissists specialize in creating the “perfect family image”. They specialize in appointing a scapegoat that bears the brunt of the abuse. This person is blamed, and labeled “crazy”, “bitter”, “unforgiving” and “disrespectful”. The family bands together to smear the scapegoat’s name and assassinate their character. They also stand by abusers and ostracise the truth-teller. Narcissistic families specialize in image and facade management. They look good on the outside but the family is chock full of secrets and unrepentant sin which they sweep under the rug at all costs. Instead of addressing the abuse and the abusers, they go against the designated scapegoat. If the scapegoat should ever speak out, the primary narcissist within the scapegoat’s life has already done a preemptive smear campaign. The family is also full of people who hear no evil, say no evil, and do no evil. They will say things to purposely invalidate the scapegoat to manipulate the truth. “That never happened.” “I don’t recall that!” “Why don’t you just move on!” Anything but actually address the abuse.
    • When a scapegoat turns into a Chain Breaker they begin to break out of the family’s designated roles and out of enmeshment into their own God-given identity. Sadly, not every scapegoat becomes a Chain Breaker. Sometimes the abuse is so overwhelming that they feel they are not able to escape. Scapegoats face tremendous odds. This walk is not for the weak or faint of heart.

    This page is for survivors. This page, channel, ministry & business is for taking wounded soldiers & transforming them into WARRIORS by the Blood of Yahshua HaMashiach.

    Breaking Free Of The System

    The truth is that I needed to be stripped. In order for me to become everything that I have been predestined to be, I needed to be refined & renewed. I needed to come out of everything & everyone that held me back from YAH’s purposes & plan. I am on a mission & assignment from the kingdom of Heaven to help set captives FREE.

    It is not only common sense to stay away from toxic people IT IS BIBLICAL. Remember: All skin folk ain’t kinfolk.

    Imagine trading my destiny & all those tied to my anointing for a narcissistic person and family. We are in a season where the wheat is being separated from the tare. Many are being called out of their biological relatives for their spiritual families. Like Joseph, I am going from the PIT TO THE PALACE. I will arise & shine for my Father’s glory. Who’s ready to go with me?

    Walking away from a narcissistic, Jezebelic system is actually a blessing in disguise. I pray that more scapegoats realize that there is freedom in breaking away. Don’t feel sorry for us. Pray for those that stay. 

    Let’s break those chains.

    Genesis 12
    The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So Abram went, as the Lord had told him;

    If you would like to join my upcoming program, I urge you to join while it is available to you. My goal is to help women be healed and whole in Christ. There is no recovery program like this. Chain Breaker University (CBU) mentorship is all about sisterhood, spiritual, mental, emotional, and business development, warfare equipping, holistic healing in every area, and full recovery from narcissist abuse. Register today! Sessions begin in January 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. Register Today! Chain Breaker University January Sessions

    Our stories are our stories. Do not expect your story to be exactly like mine or mine to be like yours. We all have varying levels of faith & varying circumstances. I can tell you the YAHWEH is no respecter of persons. Allow Him to lead your life & do not lean to your understanding. You may be low contact. You may stay within the narcissist or in the family system. I did what I was called to do.

    Some may say, “What if it’s this or that?” “What if it’s my parent or my adult child?” “What if I can’t leave or what if I have no one?” Listen, I am here to lead you to the truth and shed awareness. I do not have a shelter (yet) or run a domestic abuse hotline. There are resources for that. I have used state resources to leave domestic abuse and you may have to as well. Please do not allow shame or a soul tie to hold you back. I do not have all the answers but I know my GOD does. Do what Holy Spirit is leading YOU to do. You can be limited by your own mindset. A mindset shift has to occur spiritually before you can ever be free physically. We do not see the whole staircase. We are led by FAITH step by step. Put on the full armor so that you can stand. Seek Holy Spirit counsel above ALL. Yes, that means above your pastor, family, friends, therapist, or coach. I pray this message gives someone hope & peace.

    NOTE: If a victim chooses to stay in a narcissistic relationship or family, or doesn’t feel they can break free, that’s truly their choice. THIS ministry & business is about setting captives FREE. 💜 Deliverance is the children’s bread.

    It’s birthing season.



    Need support? Have a question? I cannot answer personal emails unless you are enrolled in CBU. Please visit https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoyLLC

    Narcissists, God’s Chosen, & Generational Curses: What Have We Done?

    Don’t Mourn The Narcissist Excessively! 

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