The Relentless Boss and Narc Free Living! Instagram Live
Join @therelentlessboss and Shannon as they discuss BROKEN CHAINS.⛓️ Breaking the chains of abuse! You can also catch the replay!
When: Monday, January 16 at 1pm CST | 2pm CST
Tune in!The Relentless Boss IG:
https://instagram.com/therelentlessboss?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=I N S T A G R A M: @narcfreelivingllc
URL: https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/Make sure you follow NarcFreeLivingLLC on all social media platforms!
- Books, Chain Breaker University, CROWNED, Domestic Abuse, healing from trauma, Interviews, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Power Of Breaking Silence: The Blueprint Of A Survivor! Order Your Book!
Never underestimate the power of ONE.
One testimony.
One message.
One voice.
Read the powerful transformative real-life stories of how victims of domestic abuse became SURVIVORS! There is when we break the code of silence!
Visionary: TeKeisha Wade
Shannon Savoy
Doris Taylor
Tina Durbin
Coach Sonya
Latrina Caldwell
Darshell Andrews
Order your copy TODAY!
- Abuse In The Church, Chain Breaker University, Demonic Spirits, Domestic Abuse, Glow Up, Group Coaching, healing from trauma, Jealous Frenemies, Jezebel Spirit, Leviathan, Monitoring spirits, Mother-Daughter Wound, Narc Land, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Soul Ties, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
When You Are Called The “Crazy” One By A Narcissist!
Remember, the scapegoat is the “crazy” one that breaks away from the narcissistic system!How do/did you handle a smear campaign? Were you called crazy by a suspected narcissist?Queens: Ready to learn spiritual warfare & heal from narcissist abuse? Sessions begin January 12, 2023
CBU mentorship is all about sisterhood, spiritual warfare, discipleship, holistic healing, and full recovery from narcissist abuse. Register today! Sessions begin January 12, 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-brea…
- Chain Breaker University, healing from trauma, Monitoring spirits, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Speaking engagements, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Narcissists, Divination, Spirituality, & New Age!
Join me LIVE & SUBSCRIBE! Saturday at 1pm CST! I won’t be live on Saturday again until February. See you there!
It is a cunning & very slippery slope into witchcraft, especially after narcissistic abuse. People want “quick fixes” & “manifesting to gods” aka divination provides them short-term “relief.” But what the enemy does not tell is that you are literally coming into agreement with demonic forces that you are not prepared for.
As a deliverance minister & recovery coach, I help others gain freedom from demonic oppression through the power of the Ruach & Blood of Jesus (Yahshua). Don’t play it! How do narcissists entice their victims to engage in new age and demonic practices? Let’s get into & also how you break & STAY NARC-FREE!
Keep in mind this is a biblically based channel. I stand on the Word of Yahweh and not cultural gods and practices. Period.
- Monitoring spirits, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Soul Ties, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Narcissists: Copycats, Mirroring, & Mocking Spirits…
Some People Don’t Like Warriors – Until It’s Time To Go To WAR!
Some people don’t like a warrior until it’s time to go to war…⚔️🔥
In times of peace, the prayer warriors, the true prophets, & the intercessors, are shunned & rejected. Oh, but when the ish hits the fan the naysayers, the bypassers, & the unbelievers will be scrambling & searching for true warriors. Just as it was in the days of Noah…
Prophets & prophetic warriors:
Prepare the oil.
Protect the oil.
Keep your lamps burning.
Keep watch.When it’s time you will NOT be able to give your oil away. Those who want the oil must seek it NOW while it may yet be found.☝🏾
PROGRAMS ARE HERE. Healing ministries are HERE NOW. Those that doubted, jeered, & looked on in disbelief will miss it. Our job is never to convince others. It is to share the Gospel & allow Holy Spirit to convict. Catch it while you can. When the door is closed, it is CLOSED.
The kingdom of heaven is like this:
“Ten virgins took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”
Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.The foolish ones said to the wise, “Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.” “No,” they replied, “there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.”
But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
Later the others also came. “Lord, Lord,” they said, “open the door for us!” But he replied, “Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.” (Matthew 25.1-13)
Have a question? Visit https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoyLLC to ask your question and receive a personalized 1:1 response.
CBU mentorship is all about sisterhood, spiritual warfare, discipleship, holistic healing and full recovery from narcissist abuse. Register today! Sessions begin January 12, 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/
Narcissistic Witch, Wolf, or Warrior? Which are you?
Are Narcissists God’s Children?
Narcissists Promise Dreams & Deliver Total Nightmares!
And delivering total nightmares…
Sweet dreams are made of these…Not with a narcissist. These are the things LifeTime movies are about. These are future Netflix, Dateline, & 20/20 documentaries in the making.
Narcissists pull you into Narc Land with your own voids, unhealed trauma, & innermost desires. They sell pipe dreams and deliver gut-wrenching, soul-snatching, heartbreaking nightmares.
When you get to your breaking point & try to pull away, they future fake you – so you reup on that demonic contract. What’s your fantasy? Marriage, a house, a ring, protection, a family – 2.5 children with a white picket fence, posts for the ‘Gram to prove to your haters you are no longer rejected? Oh, they’ll help you live a lie.
When you leave or contemplate leaving, then they’ll sweet talk your panties or underwear off with future faking 5.0, promising you hopes of “change”, let’s move here, this time around will be different, let’s go to counseling…(blah, blah, blah). If you are smart you’ll pick up on they are selling you HOPE & everything they would not give in the relationship. This lets you know they knew what to do all along…
Hope deferred makes the heart sick…Proverbs 13:12
CBU mentorship is about sisterhood, spiritual warfare, discipleship, holistic healing, and full recovery from narcissist abuse. Register today! Sessions begin January 12, 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. Here’s the link for more information:
https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/Don’t forget to subscribe and join me LIVE on Saturdays at 1pm CST!
Check out: Narcissistic Marriages: Destiny Unfulfilled & Unholy Matrimony!
The Dangers Of Narcissistic Marriages: Destiny Unfulfilled & Unholy Matrimony!
- Chain Breaker University, Demonic Spirits, healing from trauma, Soul Ties, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
The Sexuality Of The Narcissist!
Join the live stream Saturday, January 7, at 1 pm CST on the Narc Free Living YouTube Channel! We are going deeper Chain Breakers so that people can be free!
Let’s discuss:-The narcissist’s agenda & assignment-The beast system’s goal to break down marriages & the Kingdom family unit-How satan entices, entraps, and ensnares-Spirit of Baphomet-The sexual profile of the narcissistHow narcissists & our own trauma & desires lead into:-Unfaithfulness-Adultery-Chronic dissatisfaction-Idolatry-Fornication-Prostitution-Alternative lifestyles-Transformation in JehovahAnd more importantly how to break the soul ties, trauma bonds, and be set free in Yahshua!Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land falls to whoredom, and the land becomes full of wickedness. (Leviticus 19:29)
They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:5-6).
Set your reminder by clicking on the link below:
Join the live chat and exhortation! - Business Owner, Chain Breaker University, Glow Up, Group Coaching, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Rest & Recuperation, Rock Your Crown, Shabbat Shalom, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Narc Free Living’s 2022 Open Letter for 2023!
Regardless of if you pushed through 2022 or made it by the skin of your teeth, YOU made it! My words for 2022 were elevation, intentionality & discipline, & discipleship. 2022 was a year of tremendous growth and advancing the Kingdom of Heaven. My personal phrase this new season is Soft Girl Shannon. You have been introduced to Strong Warrior Shannon. I’m flowing differently in 2023. Don’t wake the warrior. We are always on watch!
Biblically, we celebrated our new year In September. If you know you know! Following YAH always puts you ahead of the world.
For those who are ready to shift & align this is a season of:
- Restoration.
- Retribution.
- Restructuring.
- Righteousness.
- Obedience.
- Breakthrough.
- Breakout.
- Transformation.
- Transparency.
- Changing of the guard.
- The wealth of the wicked transferred to the righteous.
What were your words for 2022? How did you do?
Personally, I overcame a number of challenges & fell back on some. I’ll be revisiting the areas I missed the mark on as I navigate this upcoming season. Fall down? We get up! My words for 2022 were discipline, intentionality, and elevation. I am building on those for 2023!
Here are a few Lessons Learned from 2022:
- Make time for YAH & YOU. I am learning that I cannot pour from an empty cup. Sometimes you have to be selfish regarding yourself and your time. It’s not selfish. It’s self-care. I am resigning as the strong friend! We must prioritize rest, and recuperate so that we can be restored & replenished.
- Remember we are all overcoming trauma and abuse. Give yourself grace.
- Progress is better than perfection. It’s not always pretty. If you wait on perfect, you’ll always be waiting.
- This is my soft girl season. We discussed biblical femininity in CBU fall & summer sessions. It’s crazy how the world has finally caught on! A Proverbs 31 woman, Deborahs, Esthers, – are YAH’s design for women.
- Setting boundaries is awesome. Enforcing them is even better! This is a process as we unlearn old techniques to relearn new ones. Let me be transparent…YAH got me together in this area. This is a season of NO for me. A season of LESS IS MORE. I have examined & adjusted my personal & business boundaries to make sure I am in alignment & prepared to shift!
Click HERE to Read Narc Free Living’s Open Letter, Tips, & Prayer!
- Chain Breaker University, Group Coaching, healing from trauma, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Coaching Updates for 2023!
NFL’s coaching & ministry services are done excellence & in order. At this time until further notice, coaching is limited to those currently enrolled in the Chain Breaker University (CBU) Mentorship Program. This is so that we can continue to protect the oil as we help others break chains! Prepare the oil. Protect the oil. Preserve the oil.
As of January 2023, coaching and personal responses are limited to those currently enrolled in Breaker University. We want to ensure that mentees that are in CBU have the attention and focus they deserve. We want to continue providing a first-rate experience as we break these chains!
1:1 coaching appointments will be announced as they become available. If you are a past client and you are not currently enrolled in CBU, please email & we will try our best to schedule you.
Accessibility is purposeful, focused, & limited to current mentees. Narc Free Living is not resourced to provide legal, rescue, shelter, & emergency services.
If it is YAH’s will, then it is HIS bill. Whatsoever Jehovah Jireh creates, sanctions, & ordains HE provides protection, purpose, and provision for.
Here’s how to connect:
- CBU Mentorship Coaching (commences January 12, 2023). We have 30 & 90-day plans available. The sessions are held bi-monthly, Thursdays at 6:30 pm CST. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/
- Add NFL to your address book & stay in the loop with our newsletters Link to stay in the loop: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_0BxSjzRD4ebPC3FqwBjyYDibKDtfCGGMNgYtQvkmQgHGhQ/viewform
- WISIO– Need support? Have a question? I cannot answer every email, however, I do answer every Wisio. This is a low option to receive coaching and feedback. I cannot answer personal emails unless you are enrolled in CBU. Please use Wisio for personal email & text message responses. You will receive a personal, individual video or detailed response from Shannon regarding your question(s). Visit: https://www.wisio.com/ShannonSavoyLLC
- The Narc Free Living YouTube Channel: You can find daily inspiration here in the Narc Free Living YouTube community tab. There are over 1,000 videos on an array of topics. Check the playlists for a variety of subjects regarding narcissist abuse, healing, spiritual warfare, parental alienation, adult children of narcissists, Spiritual ICU, rumination, and much, much more! https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC/community
- YouTube live streams – these are 2-4 hour FREE teachings, deliverance, and exhortations that allow survivors to connect, ask questions, and engage in the live chat. Shannon is LIVE Saturdays, typically at 1 pm CST. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the channel and turn your notifications ON so you are notified of uploads and live streams. https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC
- Narc Free Living Membership on YouTube: I upload videos specifically for channel members and respond to their comments or questions. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnS35mcR_5MMVTXncRbAbg/join
- Want to connect? Here’s Shannon’s Business Card https://hihello.me/p/42bb2cd6-3127-466b-87c9-b0abd49a2379
- Follow @narcfreelivingllc on all social media platforms! Videos and content are uploaded on YouTube and TikTok FIRST!
Make sure you check our newsletter, YouTube community tab, & website for updates! Don’t forget to Narc Free Living to your address book and check your spam folder!
W E B S I T E: www.narcfreeliving.com
Y O U T U B E: https://youtube.com/c/NarcFreeLivingLLC
T I K T O K: https://www.tiktok.com/@narc_free_living?lang=en
T W I T T E R: Narc Free Living @narc_free https://twitter.com/free_narc
F A C E B O O K: @narcfreelivingllc https://www.facebook.com/narcfreelivingllc/
I N S T A G R A M: @narcfreelivingllc https://www.instagram.com/narcfreelivingllc/
L I N K E D I N: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-savoy-cssbb/
F O L L O W . S H A N N O N O N . C L U B H O U S E: https://www.clubhouse.com/@narcfreeliving