Faith, Finances, & Fitness Bootcamp!
Join us for an evening of fun, faith, financial preparedness, and fitness!
We’ve heard the 2025 “New Year, New Me” and “This IS Your Year” prophecies.
Systems matter. Your morning routine is a system. Your evening routine is a system. The way you manage your time, finances, health, and spiritual growth—it’s all a system.
Without the right mindset and discipline, blessings can become burdens.
So, ask yourself:
🔹 Is your life set up to handle the blessings of God?
🔹 Are your routines, habits, and structures in place to sustain what you’re praying for?
It’s time to align your systems with the vision so you don’t just hear the prophecy—you live it.
🔹 Are your finances set up to receive to walk in overflow? Or are you managing your budget on a wing and a prayer?
🔹 Does your day-to-day routine or system, incorporate physical fitness? Do you wrestle with laziness, excessive weight, gluttony but yet stay at the altar asking for prayers against infirmity?
It’s your time sis!
🔥 Are you ready to truly transform your life? Stay tuned for more details and registration information!
Girls Just Want to Have Fun: Faith, Finances, & Fitness Bootcamp
✨ Date & Time: Thursday, February 27
✨ Location: Zoom
🎤 Hosted by: Shannon Savoy & Special Guests!
🎤 My special guests are equipped in FAITH (in day to day life, business, ministry) FINANCES (investments, budgeting for beginners), & FITNESS (nutrition, meal planning, etc.).
Victory in Christ Through Fasting and Prayer!
Join the Chain ⛓️💥 Breaker Community in prayer & fasting every first three days of the month. This is an intentional time when we pray and seek Yahweh’s guidance as we consecrate the month.
We corporately fast from August 1-3 6am-6pm No food. Lots of water. Consult your physician if you are under medical supervision.
Be sure to watch my last live streams on Reprogramming Your Life After Narcissist Abuse & Why You Cannot Win With A Narcissist. Write down the prayer points and scriptures and begin praying the Word of God as you pray.
Keys to victory in Christ:
* Accept Yeshua as your Lord and Savior.
*Repent for your sins. Repentance brings you into realignment with Yahweh.
* Invite the fire of God into your life and continue to renounce sickness, poverty, rejection, stagnation, gluttony, bewitchment, Ahab, Jezebel, Python, Leviathan, witchcraft, etc.
* Break away from ungodly people. Ask God to reveal what altars are in your home. Anoint your home. * Dedicate your life to God FULLY. ASK GOD FOR HIS WILL TO BE DONE.
* Speak to the four corners of the earth and command every satanic network against you to scatter.
*Nullify every demonic covenant (sororities, fraternities, freemasonry, false gods, etc) you have made knowingly and unknowingly.
*Make a covenant with YAHWEH for your life and bring your children under the Blood of Yeshua. * Speak the WORD of God over you and your children every day. PRAY AT MIDNIGHT AND 3AM.
* Read your Bible and pray every day. Make sure you have a PHYSICAL BIBLE and download the Bible app. Stay rooted in Yahweh’s word.
* Remember demons do not understand diplomacy. They understand AUTHORITY. Spiritual violence is the only language the enemy understands.
* Pray warfare prayers WITH scriptures.
*Wear the Armor of God daily.
*Remember fear is an open door. Do not give the enemy legal rights over your life and destiny. Take an hour (or at least 30 minutes) every day to pray. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you as you pray along. Remember the privilege of His presence and let Him direct your prayers.
For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing. I will faithfully reward my people for their suffering and make an everlasting covenant with them (Isaiah 61:8 NLT). I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the Lord (Jeremiah 30:17 NLT). Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul. (Ezekiel 3:17-19)
Are you joining the fast? Let’s break those chains!
- Business Owner, Group Coaching, healing from trauma, Interviews, Podcasts, women into networking, Women Into Networking (W.I.N.)
Moms & Mental Health with Allegra & Shannon!
Allegra Jackson and Shannon Savoy dived into the crucial topic of mental health in relation to motherhood!
The myth of the superwoman/super mom is REAL and persists in 2024! MOMS, YOU KNOW WE NEED THIS DISCUSSION, ASAP!! Can you have it all? What are the challenges of mental health and motherhood?
Allegra is the co-founder of Women Into Networking (W.I.N.). Catch the replay!
About Allegra:
Allegra has a strong background in Marketing & Management, working with Fortune 500 companies and large Corporations as a consultant/liaison in Administration/Team Building, Business planning, & Marketing since 2009. In addition, she studied at the University of Florida in Business Management and holds several certifications in Data Analysis & Systems, Business Management, & Marketing.
Allegra is the CEO/Business Development Coach at AJCEO Business Coaching Group. In her role, she focuses her efforts on helping Women Entrepreneurs & Black Business Owners establish sustainable Business models while giving her clients access to Business plans & Marketing support.
Allegra also enjoys dedicating her time to building Networking communities & social platforms geared to support the health and longevity of Women Entrepreneurs & Black Business Owners. She also enjoys dedicating her free time to volunteering for charitable causes that involve Urban development and improving the infrastructure for education, health, social & political justice, & cultural heritage protection.
Listen to the replay for this insightful conversation! 🌟
Facebook LIVE https://www.facebook.com/share/kUDG6nFA9HdrbaUW/?mibextid=9l3rBW
- Abuse In The Church, Chain Breaker Challenge, Chain Breaker Conversations, Chain Breaker University, Monthly Prayer, Mother-Daughter Wound, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Post-Separation Abuse, Rock Your Crown, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, Workshop
Chain Breaker University | Addressing Mother Wounds!
We are delving deeper into various aspects of the mother-child relationship, exploring how it shapes our lives and how to break the chains! Join us in Chain Breaker University (CBU) virtually via Zoom on Thursday, May 30th at 6:30 pm CDT | 7:30 pm EDT, as we break the chains of narcissistic abuse together.
CBU is a safe, supportive space for women survivors of abuse. I help you unpack, process, and heal to help you birth out, break through, and breakout of demonic curses, chains, and cycles!
Register HERE! Addressing The Mother Wound!
Chain Breaker University: Where Queens Turn Pain Into Purpose
CBU is a monthly mentorship & discipleship program that includes discussions, training & exhortations on overcoming heartbreak, witchcraft in the family & 4-wall & apostate church, betrayal, no contact, narcissistic families, spiritual warfare equipping, purpose, deliverance, discipleship, & recovery from narcissist abuse. Learn more here: https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-breaker-university-cbu-mentorship-sisterhood-program-register-today/
(The 6-week sessions are no longer available. We meet once a month virtually via Zoom).
Register for the next session today!
- Abuse In The Church, Chain Breaker Conversations, Chain Breaker University, Mother-Daughter Wound, Narc Land, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Post-Separation Abuse, Soul Ties, Speaking engagements, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Survivor’s Most Frequently Asked Questions! Narcissist Abuse Q&A
Survivor’s Most Frequently Asked Questions! You asked? We answered!
Join top narcissist abuse awareness and recovery coaches as we answer some of the questions that are most frequently asked in our communities! Thursday, March 21 at 6:30pm CST | 7:30pm EST on YouTube
A few of the questions we’ll be answering:
- Why do female narcissists go undetected?
- Our take on the Reesa Teesa saga
- Will the narcissist change?
- Is the new supply going to reap the benefits?
- I am stuck financially, how can I get out of this?
- Why do people so stay and how they can get away!
Hosted by Narc Free Living LLC | Shannon Savoy
Faith Base Work Place | Solomon Savoy Jr
Pink Girl Teaches | Joy Mpezeni
When She Rises LLC | Ina Johnson-Myers
- Abuse In The Church, Chain Breaker University, Demonic Spirits, Domestic Abuse, healing from trauma, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Celebrities, Idols, Witchcraft, & Narcissism!
We live in a world that breeds narcissists and idolatry. This live stream is an examination of narcissists, popular culture & celebrity “idols”. What happens when the world is loud & the 4-wall church is silent?
Join me Saturday, March 4th at 1 pm CST as I break down:
*Known witches
*Witchcraft in the church
*Narcissists, idolatry, and cultism
*How this ushers in demonic spirits
*Satanic rituals & freedom from demonic altars
*Why it’s important for Believers to make a choice in this hour!
I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other! 16 So because you are lukewarm— neither hot nor cold— I am about to vomit you out of My mouth! Revelation 3:16
Set your reminder or catch the replay HERE!
- Abuse In The Church, Chain Breaker University, Demonic Spirits, Domestic Abuse, Glow Up, Group Coaching, healing from trauma, Jealous Frenemies, Jezebel Spirit, Leviathan, Monitoring spirits, Mother-Daughter Wound, Narc Land, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Narcissistic Family, Soul Ties, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
When You Are Called The “Crazy” One By A Narcissist!
Remember, the scapegoat is the “crazy” one that breaks away from the narcissistic system!How do/did you handle a smear campaign? Were you called crazy by a suspected narcissist?Queens: Ready to learn spiritual warfare & heal from narcissist abuse? Sessions begin January 12, 2023
CBU mentorship is all about sisterhood, spiritual warfare, discipleship, holistic healing, and full recovery from narcissist abuse. Register today! Sessions begin January 12, 2023. Don’t miss your breakthrough. https://narcfreeliving.com/chain-brea…
- Monitoring spirits, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Soul Ties, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
Narcissists: Copycats, Mirroring, & Mocking Spirits…
- Business Owner, Chain Breaker University, Glow Up, Group Coaching, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Rest & Recuperation, Rock Your Crown, Shabbat Shalom, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Narc Free Living’s 2022 Open Letter for 2023!
Regardless of if you pushed through 2022 or made it by the skin of your teeth, YOU made it! My words for 2022 were elevation, intentionality & discipline, & discipleship. 2022 was a year of tremendous growth and advancing the Kingdom of Heaven. My personal phrase this new season is Soft Girl Shannon. You have been introduced to Strong Warrior Shannon. I’m flowing differently in 2023. Don’t wake the warrior. We are always on watch!
Biblically, we celebrated our new year In September. If you know you know! Following YAH always puts you ahead of the world.
For those who are ready to shift & align this is a season of:
- Restoration.
- Retribution.
- Restructuring.
- Righteousness.
- Obedience.
- Breakthrough.
- Breakout.
- Transformation.
- Transparency.
- Changing of the guard.
- The wealth of the wicked transferred to the righteous.
What were your words for 2022? How did you do?
Personally, I overcame a number of challenges & fell back on some. I’ll be revisiting the areas I missed the mark on as I navigate this upcoming season. Fall down? We get up! My words for 2022 were discipline, intentionality, and elevation. I am building on those for 2023!
Here are a few Lessons Learned from 2022:
- Make time for YAH & YOU. I am learning that I cannot pour from an empty cup. Sometimes you have to be selfish regarding yourself and your time. It’s not selfish. It’s self-care. I am resigning as the strong friend! We must prioritize rest, and recuperate so that we can be restored & replenished.
- Remember we are all overcoming trauma and abuse. Give yourself grace.
- Progress is better than perfection. It’s not always pretty. If you wait on perfect, you’ll always be waiting.
- This is my soft girl season. We discussed biblical femininity in CBU fall & summer sessions. It’s crazy how the world has finally caught on! A Proverbs 31 woman, Deborahs, Esthers, – are YAH’s design for women.
- Setting boundaries is awesome. Enforcing them is even better! This is a process as we unlearn old techniques to relearn new ones. Let me be transparent…YAH got me together in this area. This is a season of NO for me. A season of LESS IS MORE. I have examined & adjusted my personal & business boundaries to make sure I am in alignment & prepared to shift!
Click HERE to Read Narc Free Living’s Open Letter, Tips, & Prayer!
- Chain Breaker University, Clubhouse, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Spiritual Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, YouTube
Chain Breaker News! August 15, 2022
Hot off the press! Check out this week’s Chain Breaker News! Chain Breaker News HERE!
This newsletter includes:
- CBU Queen Sharlyne Rogers
- Narcissists & Social Media: It Goes Down In The DM’s (Saturday, August 20 at 1pm CST)
- Want to nominate another Chain Breaker? https://www.jotform.com/222175712223144
- Narcissists & YOUR Safety (Saturday, September 3, 2022) Stay tuned and connected for more information! This workshop will include preventative safety measures, helpful tips about information technology, digital abuse, cyberstalking, targeted individuals, monitoring spirits, & more!
- Clubhouse Tuesday, August 16, 7pm CST – All Hell Will Break Loose When YOU Leave The Narcissist! What you can do about it! https://www.clubhouse.com/event/M1ejrwqQ?utm_medium=ch_event&utm_campaign=KzfHcTKwHrfwiLQzYRrq-w-322403
- Why Narcissists Make YOU Sick!
- Faith Base Work Place & I discuss Dating After Narcissist Abuse!
Follow up with Sharlyne here! https://www.takeupthysword.com/